Last night my apartment hosted a wine party. All the guests couldn't leave because they were too drunk. I gotta say that just because a bottle of wine is cheap doesn't mean it's bad - I had some brilliant Merlot that was less than $6.00/bottle. I went to bed at 4am, and two of the last remaining guests were discussing the finer points of weapon battle in Dungeons and Dragons, one girl was completely passed out and I think my roommate was trying to make a booty call on his cell. I woke up at around 10:30, the place is empty but there's wine bottles everywhere. Luckily, I'm unscathed and nobody had fun with a black marker on me or anything.
Some other news:
-Had sex in a retail shop near the front windows
-The Post Crescent called me and want to do an interview! WOO-HOO!
-The big Wizard World Chicago Comic Convention is coming up fast and I'm freaking out a little
To all Wisconsinites, I am signing copies of my comic book on Saturday, July 16th at Power House Comics on College Avenue in Appleton from 1pm-5pm. I'm giving away a free 11x17 poster to anyone who buys my comic! The address/phone to the store is:
807 W. College Ave.
Appleton, WI 54914
(920) 733.9339
Hope you guys are hanging in there and doing well
Some other news:
-Had sex in a retail shop near the front windows

-The Post Crescent called me and want to do an interview! WOO-HOO!
-The big Wizard World Chicago Comic Convention is coming up fast and I'm freaking out a little
To all Wisconsinites, I am signing copies of my comic book on Saturday, July 16th at Power House Comics on College Avenue in Appleton from 1pm-5pm. I'm giving away a free 11x17 poster to anyone who buys my comic! The address/phone to the store is:
807 W. College Ave.
Appleton, WI 54914
(920) 733.9339
Hope you guys are hanging in there and doing well

Vote for me as new owner for the SG WI group. Ballots have to be cast by Sunday.