Well despite the threat of bad weather, electical storms and a tornado touching down somewhere; the signing went great! I sold lots of comics and merch - I have only three buttons left! GAAAAHHH! One person came in and bought four comics - it totally made my night. I picked up the T-shirts from the screen printer - and they turned out FANTASTIC! I'm so fucking pleased. After the signing I went out with and old and close friend of mine, Shawn, who's moving to Columbus permanently the next day so I wanted to spend some time with him. Me, Shawn, his brother Josh and two other friends went to the Locker Room Bar and then to Bubba's in Menasha. During the drive there Shawn introduced me to William Shatner's "Has Been" CD - holy fucking shit is that awesome as hell! At Bubba's we played a game of darts that seemingly never ended, made pigs out of ourselves from eating lots of pizza and filled the jukebox's playlist with Frank Zappa, Pink Floyd and CCR. By 1:30 am the storm came closer and the bartender, who was good friends with Shawn's brother Josh, gave us the key to the back deck of the bar where we hung out back there to watch the most beautiful heat lightning I've seen in years and Josh smoked up a bowl with his friends. The bartender himself actually came in and joined them smoking up for a few minutes - lenient place that is. I got home at around 3am, hopefully Shawn will find happiness in Columbus.
so, I was going to buy your comic, but then I saw I only had a dollar. I'm that broke. so it may be awhile (until I get a job) before I can get it, but its great to hear that youre having this kind of sucess

Yo! I just got around to ordering Ghost! Can't wait to read it!