detroit. detroit was very, very good to me.
before i got out there, the wonderful fuck made some calls on my behalf, and found me a place to stay. and not just ANY place to stay, mind you-- i was hooked up with a bed within the abode of the lovely, sweet, and amazing Kira.
i left thursday night around seven... and arrived, ragged and chain smoking, around ten the following morning. my convention tattoo appointment: two in the afternoon.
so we finished Mr. Right Sleeve, and then steve, my artist, that sweet bastard, loaned me his hotel bed so i could get some sleep. i ended up passing out for like, four or five hours. i woke up to a series of texts... quite a few people wondering where id disappeared to. we met up in the hotel bar... Kira, fuck, BROKENsk8board, and i... BROKENsk8board snapped this gem with his camera phone. i look distressed as hell:
i met so many people at the convention... people i feel entirely priveleged to have met. James, who is so gorgeous in person (and TINY!) i cant stand it; NicoleLee, also fucking tiny, with a mouth like a sailor, but this sexy look that creeps across her face on a pretty regular basis; Vanden, with whom i ended up sharing an elevator (she made my bottom tingle) before i even realized who she was; veganpunk and his beautiful lady, the archived Lilith; BROKENsk8board, whos not only a funny motherfucker, but who single handedly chugged an entire jar of pickle juice; curmudgeon, who kept buying me drinks, even though i was trying to buy drinks for HIM; Warchild, for whom i cannot express how well we got along; ymonster, who had me sign his yearbook, and to whom i promised to save some skin; fuck, who started out quiet, but opened up as the weekend went on and is a fucking cool cat-- his lady is a lucky lady!; and a slew of others whose names i remember, but cant... place... member names! head... ASPLODE! everyone was amazing-- ive never gone anywhere that treated me better than home. i wanted to cram them all into a jar and take them home in my purse....
my first day at the con, with james, and nicolelee. fuck, those ladies are gorgeous.
i guess that means detroit is now going to be my home away from home.
on saturday night, after the con, a shit-huge group of us decided to go to a bar called Wild Cherries to see Kira, whod been stuck working all day. veganpunk and i ended up at his apartment with a vegan pizza (yum!) to wait until lilith was finished working so we could scoop her up and take her to the bar...
we walked into his apartment, and learned (the smell hit us immediately) that enzo, of the rottweiler breed, had SHIT.... EVERYWHERE.
i felt so bad for my new friend, down on the floor, picking up shit. yikes.
anyways. we got to the bar several hours after everyone else, so what does benni do? i am not a drinker, but i didnt want to be the lone person hanging out going, meekly, "oh... just juice for me, thanks." i decided to play catch up.
some eight (nine? ten?) shots inside of an hour. dude. loaded.
above, crammed into the restroom at kiras work, vanden, me, lilith, nicolelee, and kira.
oop, theres us again. can you tell im getting a little... uh... fun?
and then there was this... nicolelee, i cannot express to you the depth of my affection for... you. and i will never stop bragging about this.
and then, wasted as all get out, we all went back to kiras....
by the time we got back to the lovely ladys house, BROKENsk8boards tummy looked like this-- i guess this is what it means to be owned. by hot ladies. with a sharpie.
and then...
i was a lucky, lucky girl that night.
and did i mention... loaded?
but it was worth every second of it. i miss you guys. but i will return to you! detroit. my new home away from home.
before i got out there, the wonderful fuck made some calls on my behalf, and found me a place to stay. and not just ANY place to stay, mind you-- i was hooked up with a bed within the abode of the lovely, sweet, and amazing Kira.
i left thursday night around seven... and arrived, ragged and chain smoking, around ten the following morning. my convention tattoo appointment: two in the afternoon.
so we finished Mr. Right Sleeve, and then steve, my artist, that sweet bastard, loaned me his hotel bed so i could get some sleep. i ended up passing out for like, four or five hours. i woke up to a series of texts... quite a few people wondering where id disappeared to. we met up in the hotel bar... Kira, fuck, BROKENsk8board, and i... BROKENsk8board snapped this gem with his camera phone. i look distressed as hell:

i met so many people at the convention... people i feel entirely priveleged to have met. James, who is so gorgeous in person (and TINY!) i cant stand it; NicoleLee, also fucking tiny, with a mouth like a sailor, but this sexy look that creeps across her face on a pretty regular basis; Vanden, with whom i ended up sharing an elevator (she made my bottom tingle) before i even realized who she was; veganpunk and his beautiful lady, the archived Lilith; BROKENsk8board, whos not only a funny motherfucker, but who single handedly chugged an entire jar of pickle juice; curmudgeon, who kept buying me drinks, even though i was trying to buy drinks for HIM; Warchild, for whom i cannot express how well we got along; ymonster, who had me sign his yearbook, and to whom i promised to save some skin; fuck, who started out quiet, but opened up as the weekend went on and is a fucking cool cat-- his lady is a lucky lady!; and a slew of others whose names i remember, but cant... place... member names! head... ASPLODE! everyone was amazing-- ive never gone anywhere that treated me better than home. i wanted to cram them all into a jar and take them home in my purse....

my first day at the con, with james, and nicolelee. fuck, those ladies are gorgeous.
i guess that means detroit is now going to be my home away from home.
on saturday night, after the con, a shit-huge group of us decided to go to a bar called Wild Cherries to see Kira, whod been stuck working all day. veganpunk and i ended up at his apartment with a vegan pizza (yum!) to wait until lilith was finished working so we could scoop her up and take her to the bar...
we walked into his apartment, and learned (the smell hit us immediately) that enzo, of the rottweiler breed, had SHIT.... EVERYWHERE.
i felt so bad for my new friend, down on the floor, picking up shit. yikes.
anyways. we got to the bar several hours after everyone else, so what does benni do? i am not a drinker, but i didnt want to be the lone person hanging out going, meekly, "oh... just juice for me, thanks." i decided to play catch up.
some eight (nine? ten?) shots inside of an hour. dude. loaded.

above, crammed into the restroom at kiras work, vanden, me, lilith, nicolelee, and kira.

oop, theres us again. can you tell im getting a little... uh... fun?

and then there was this... nicolelee, i cannot express to you the depth of my affection for... you. and i will never stop bragging about this.
and then, wasted as all get out, we all went back to kiras....

by the time we got back to the lovely ladys house, BROKENsk8boards tummy looked like this-- i guess this is what it means to be owned. by hot ladies. with a sharpie.

and then...

i was a lucky, lucky girl that night.

and did i mention... loaded?
but it was worth every second of it. i miss you guys. but i will return to you! detroit. my new home away from home.

I saw the magic in the most glorious of venues!
Take care
The other day I just said "comment" because I forgot what I was going to write as soon as I saw that last picture. I only remembered now cause I knew I could blow right past it without looking at it again.
I still don't remember what I was gonna write, I think it was something about that first picture and how you look, but I'd have to go "near" that other picture.. I just can't. Update again soon? Please?