dear girls at work,
i hate you all and i wish you'd die. well... maybe not die, but for chrissake fuck off! i'm fucking tired of hearing the shit you spread about me on a regular basis, but i could deal with it when it was confined to the bar... but when your slander starts to eek into my day to day relationships, you really start to piss me off.
and what the fuck is up with you bitches thinking you're better than me because i'm on a porno site? we all take our fucking clothes off for a living, get over yourselves and take a step away from the co-caine.
dear jack,
i really enjoyed petting you this morning. next time please refrain from biting my feet. next time i see you i'm going to bring you a brush so we can try to manually shed you, and some little cat toys. because you're neat.
dear frankie,
i miss you. you're my strength and my wisdom... why'd you have to move so far away? i want to rub your tummy for good luck, and we have to shop and just be girls. i'm tired of being nothing but a stripper.
dear me,
you're better than them, don't let them get you. but lay off the cheesecake. you're getting fat.
surgery tomorrow... wish me all the luck...
love at you.
Love always