holy cactus burn covered midget, batman! what the hell is going on?!
i wake up (approximately three hours later than i intended to, of course...) and i sign on to check the e-mail, and of course am drawn to this site, my perpetual love in cyberspace...
one of the few places i'm comfortable (i've also been known to curl up inside of other peoples' pants)...
and it says: 105 comments. what the fucking fuck?! i've never been so awed and terrified in my life!
sweet jesus i love you people. you realize it's going to take me like seven weeks to get over this...
and it merely proves that hey... i need to try to be better about updating every day, or you guys will kick my ass in order to punish. it's true. i've seen it!
moreover, how the fuck is everybody doing? i'm kind of achy, and i have a funny taste in my mouth, and my assumption is i'm going to be running late in everything i do today. first stop: the salon to wax me eyebrows! who decided i should rip hair out of my face via hot wax, anyhoo?
i think i'm going to try to see my little bro before work today... well, the bigger of the two of them. i'm worried about that little guy... he's at that tough age where my mom kicked my ass and told me to leave, and... she likes him better, but his friends are a little defunct... which doesn't make them bad people, but upsets him quite a bit. i want to surprise him, buy him plane tickets to go somewhere with me... he's never been anywhere... but i don't know where or if i can afford it. any ideas people? what would you recommend for a fifteen year old shy eerie boy who chronically wets the bed? i mean, everything but the bed wetting thing...
i got nothing. but more work to do. *sigh* i'm actually going to try to get all of you guys back today because i love the shit out of you... it's just... probably going to be super late late late today...
in the meantime, touch yourselves inappropriately... preferably not with chainsaws.
you people make me feel so fucking good. i'm glad you've seen my boobies.
i wake up (approximately three hours later than i intended to, of course...) and i sign on to check the e-mail, and of course am drawn to this site, my perpetual love in cyberspace...
one of the few places i'm comfortable (i've also been known to curl up inside of other peoples' pants)...
and it says: 105 comments. what the fucking fuck?! i've never been so awed and terrified in my life!
sweet jesus i love you people. you realize it's going to take me like seven weeks to get over this...
and it merely proves that hey... i need to try to be better about updating every day, or you guys will kick my ass in order to punish. it's true. i've seen it!
moreover, how the fuck is everybody doing? i'm kind of achy, and i have a funny taste in my mouth, and my assumption is i'm going to be running late in everything i do today. first stop: the salon to wax me eyebrows! who decided i should rip hair out of my face via hot wax, anyhoo?
i think i'm going to try to see my little bro before work today... well, the bigger of the two of them. i'm worried about that little guy... he's at that tough age where my mom kicked my ass and told me to leave, and... she likes him better, but his friends are a little defunct... which doesn't make them bad people, but upsets him quite a bit. i want to surprise him, buy him plane tickets to go somewhere with me... he's never been anywhere... but i don't know where or if i can afford it. any ideas people? what would you recommend for a fifteen year old shy eerie boy who chronically wets the bed? i mean, everything but the bed wetting thing...
i got nothing. but more work to do. *sigh* i'm actually going to try to get all of you guys back today because i love the shit out of you... it's just... probably going to be super late late late today...
in the meantime, touch yourselves inappropriately... preferably not with chainsaws.
you people make me feel so fucking good. i'm glad you've seen my boobies.
but i have the utmost (sp?) faith in you my dear ...you've always been so good to me...so so good to me
sorry i'm in a perverted mood today oh and you should take your brother to Canada!!!!! Women there are hot and you gotta love that slightly different drinking age WHOOP WHOOP!!
...okay now I crave something to drink...but that won't do me any good...i get so flirtacious when I drink *shrug*
take care and get plenty of beauty rest
actually i am more glad that i can read what you write. no, really! and and and...oh sorry i can't help out at all with the suggesting of places to take your bro on a trip to...
i'm always partial to boston though. oh hey! there's an idea! woohoo.