holy crap. so... my last day off (that sounds so sad, the last one...) and it's already three thirty. what does that mean to me? i'm not rightly sure... i suppose it means that i go back to work tomorrow... damn kids... with... the...
so my plans right now: shower, followed by some brief but vigorous masturbation...
followed by more accupuncture.
shit... that means that i have to wait on the masturbation. no drinking, drugs, or sex before hand. that's so weird... how would she know?
a full report when i return!
ooh, and for the record...! my drug commentary seemed to have concerned a lot of people... so i'm only going to say this once to get it out in the open: i don't do drugs... of any kind... not even the green stuff that people seem to love so much. no cigarettes, and very rarely do i drink. i joke about heroin an awful lot because in high school (all those years ago...) i was so scrawny and pale... well... if i had heroin, this is where it'd go. *taps arm* long story short, i think it's outrageously funny *to me* to talk about my drug use... which is nonexistant...
and the fact that in my everyday life, people assume i'm a user because of how i look.
so i don't usually like asking questions, but here's the one for today: what's the most frequent misconception people make of you based on your appearance?
and do i have anything between my teeth? oooh, shower. gotta go.
love you guys.

so my plans right now: shower, followed by some brief but vigorous masturbation...
followed by more accupuncture.
shit... that means that i have to wait on the masturbation. no drinking, drugs, or sex before hand. that's so weird... how would she know?

a full report when i return!
ooh, and for the record...! my drug commentary seemed to have concerned a lot of people... so i'm only going to say this once to get it out in the open: i don't do drugs... of any kind... not even the green stuff that people seem to love so much. no cigarettes, and very rarely do i drink. i joke about heroin an awful lot because in high school (all those years ago...) i was so scrawny and pale... well... if i had heroin, this is where it'd go. *taps arm* long story short, i think it's outrageously funny *to me* to talk about my drug use... which is nonexistant...
and the fact that in my everyday life, people assume i'm a user because of how i look.
so i don't usually like asking questions, but here's the one for today: what's the most frequent misconception people make of you based on your appearance?
and do i have anything between my teeth? oooh, shower. gotta go.

love you guys.

Except for the carrot one which my daughter assures me is just as funny as the orange one.
By the way she wants to know if you get the emo kid joke? I think she just wants me to explain it to you so you will think she is mean & twisted. lol trying so hard lately to be hardcore