Huh? You mean I still have a standing membership here??? WELL THEN... Benderholics, as I'd like to call all my myspace.com and SG pals out there, It feels good to be back! I have to change around a few things here in the next week or so, but expect changes to come about, especially with the profile pic and others, YIKES. It definently dates me...
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Well I got another 3 days off from work time to organize my shit, look for apts, and get ready to leave the nest for gainful opportunities, possibly with my good man Justmalk who I stalked on here. On the same note I might have momentary gaps in my journals. If so, and you are in anyway interested in my life look me up on...
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Well it's 2005, let's hope for some of us it's better than last year and for other it's just as fun filled...

So if anybody's in eyeshot of this I love to feel the love, and be told what your "new years resolution" is...mine well, I have a few personal ones, and a copuple I can tell the populis : a book a month (to...
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Happy Chriswansika all and may you all if I dont get to post again before the new year , may you all drink irresponsibly to the year that was and welcome the year to come. Blessings, for what it's worth to you and yours for the years to come.

ooo aaa

p.s. My buddies dad and I agree...Jenny McCarthy's new pictorial in playboy looks horrible with...
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Free at last Free at last Nelson Mandella is free at last..
Now it's time to get my birth certificate back from Wisconsin, get a new Social Security card, and finally renew my DL, along with picking up a new State ID... Jesus tap dancing Christ it's like I'm getting all my identity back at last...I'm M3X0r!!!!!!

ooo aaa

oh yeah I added a wishlist to all...
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Well, thought i would be a good time to update my page since alot has happened to and around me. First things first,
OPERATION: FREE NELSON MANDELLA is in full effect my driver's license fine will be paid off in full Friday so I can get back my Ben Folds autographed expired Driver's License. WOOT! mmmk next, I'm running into brickwalls head first trying to...
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I need a haircut....pick up my pay check......and to get off my ass right now to do stuff...not in that order plaese...


Nice new picture commie! tongue
Oh and the pics to go with it are in reverse, cause I was dropped on ma' head today, in my birthday folder
OMFG it's Friday. Meaning two things...the weekend has begun, and the christmas season is in full effect. Now I dont know 'bout you folks but over here we had a good snow storm day before thanksgiving (and a day after my birthday). It seemed to make the whole season meld with snow, like it's the catalyst for having christmas cheer. Oh well, so I got...
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