I cant remember whose comments I replied to. Ive been gone for the last few days. I was in Branson with my aunt. We went to the Silver Dollar City World Fest. It was awesome. The Bulgarian dancers were so so so so so AMAZING. I couldve watched them all day. We saw the Ukrainian and Russian dancers too. They were all amazing. The Bulgarian thing was more ballet like than folk dancing. Very much my cup o tea. Met and talked to several foreign artists. I love foreign peopleespecially artists. My long hair was a huge hit with them but thats not why I love them. The Jamaican musicians played the Hallelujah Chorus on steel drums, which was great. Saw a Swiss yodeler, whom I loved and a few Irish groups. They were all so awesome.
I bought some great stuff from the performers. Thats how they make most of their money, so I was more than happy to buy their goods. I got some prints and perfume from the Bulgarians, a hand-carved nesting egg from the Ukrainians and a CD from the Russians.
I was sorely disappointed that there was no one there from India. That is what I wanted to see the most. Actually Asia was rather absent from the festival. I wouldve spent a ton of money on the Indian goods, but they werent there, so...
Oh yes there were some great musicians there from Ecuador. Also some German and Kenyan acrobats. It was all very entertaining.
We also went to this little shop on the Branson Strip that was owned by these two cute gay guys. I really love the gay boys. They love me. Im Cher. Anyway I saw some glass tea light holders that I liked, but they didnt have any in gold, green or red, so I decided I could settle for clear glass. Blue, the only other choice, was not at all an option for me. Since the clear on had a crack in it (which is barely visible) he gave it to me for $5 rather than $20. God, I love getting good deals!!!! It looks more like one of those Catholic cathedral incense burners than a lamp. I may use it for that rather than a tea light. Either way, it will look great hanging from my ceiling.
I got a couple of great books too, at an outlet store. One is full of photos and paintings of people through history wearing pearls. I so dig pearls and beautiful old photos (win, win). And a book of decorative bird statues and such.
PRETTY STUFF GALORE!!!! Such heaven. All the beautiful people and the beautiful things. It was great. Just great. Ahhh I love Beauty.
Im going outta town again tomorrow to visit my Mom, and go to one of those lovely family dinner things. I normally wouldnt attend, but my cousin, Frank, is coming in from NJ and he is, literally, the coolest guy I know so I have to go see him. Im staying a few days with me mum. Planning on coming home on Wednesday. She lives out in the boonies and only has dial-up, so probably wont be on here any. See yall again next week. Im gonna be pooped out on being a way from home by then. Im rather pooped out now, but I dont schedule these family functions or Mothers Day or World Fest. It cant be helped that it is all happening at the same time.
I bought some great stuff from the performers. Thats how they make most of their money, so I was more than happy to buy their goods. I got some prints and perfume from the Bulgarians, a hand-carved nesting egg from the Ukrainians and a CD from the Russians.
I was sorely disappointed that there was no one there from India. That is what I wanted to see the most. Actually Asia was rather absent from the festival. I wouldve spent a ton of money on the Indian goods, but they werent there, so...
Oh yes there were some great musicians there from Ecuador. Also some German and Kenyan acrobats. It was all very entertaining.
We also went to this little shop on the Branson Strip that was owned by these two cute gay guys. I really love the gay boys. They love me. Im Cher. Anyway I saw some glass tea light holders that I liked, but they didnt have any in gold, green or red, so I decided I could settle for clear glass. Blue, the only other choice, was not at all an option for me. Since the clear on had a crack in it (which is barely visible) he gave it to me for $5 rather than $20. God, I love getting good deals!!!! It looks more like one of those Catholic cathedral incense burners than a lamp. I may use it for that rather than a tea light. Either way, it will look great hanging from my ceiling.
I got a couple of great books too, at an outlet store. One is full of photos and paintings of people through history wearing pearls. I so dig pearls and beautiful old photos (win, win). And a book of decorative bird statues and such.
PRETTY STUFF GALORE!!!! Such heaven. All the beautiful people and the beautiful things. It was great. Just great. Ahhh I love Beauty.
Im going outta town again tomorrow to visit my Mom, and go to one of those lovely family dinner things. I normally wouldnt attend, but my cousin, Frank, is coming in from NJ and he is, literally, the coolest guy I know so I have to go see him. Im staying a few days with me mum. Planning on coming home on Wednesday. She lives out in the boonies and only has dial-up, so probably wont be on here any. See yall again next week. Im gonna be pooped out on being a way from home by then. Im rather pooped out now, but I dont schedule these family functions or Mothers Day or World Fest. It cant be helped that it is all happening at the same time.
write on the walls tear up your carefully planned stackable shelves because they can.
once you've had them and experienced their joy at finding a ladybug on the screen door. how could anyone go back to not having a child. the hardest thing in the world for me is not getting to see them everyday not getting to watch them grow up. and when i do get them that last night before they have to go back . going to sleep knowing that tomorrow is the first day of the next six months before i'm truely happy again. before i can breath in the scent of my childrens joy and laughter.
six months before i once again don the mask of darth daddy and be foiled by the two jedi who so dearly love swordfighting their arch nemesis.
(and no i'm not expecting you to be amused
thank you for letting me vent.
oh and your still a hottie and i make the best damn waffle in springfield!!!