I love your poem--it is truly beautiful, just like you. I SO know what you mean about loathing people. I don't even like to go OUT anymore, because I look around at all the people and just think about what stupid fucking sheep they are. And job interviews? The absolute worst--sitting there across the desk from some schmuck that thinks he's better than you, sitting there all self-important, asking you meaningless questions that are an attempt to measure your value as a worker. God--I almost feel dirty after having 3 of them this last week. Just once, I'd love to stroll in there and tell them what I'm REALLY like. Can you imagine the look on their face? AT least they'd know I was a lazy ass right from the beginning, that way.
Good luck with the bills (I have $5 till Monday)--so I can relate. And you don't have to THANK me for calling you beautiful--it's a FACT!!
Good luck with the bills (I have $5 till Monday)--so I can relate. And you don't have to THANK me for calling you beautiful--it's a FACT!!