Girl, you must learn. Pout, pose, shoulders back. We are a commodity, mass-produced, on half price sale. There are thousands like us and millions better. Armies strive to pertain uniqueness in a world where we are all different together. Beauty over substance and aesthetics over interest.
Strategically packaged to appeal to a target audience. Buy it, own if, if it glitters on the outside. Dress up, dress down, dress sideways. Wear you personality on your jacket, embellish your expression, hide behind your haircut.
Give your body, wear it out, upgrade, cash back and part exchange. Aim to be slimmer and more ergonomic. Be efficient, perform the jobs that theyd rather not do.
Girl, you must learn to behave yourself.
I am just one of millions, turn off the lights, untie the bow and perhaps Ill give you a piece of my mind.
Strategically packaged to appeal to a target audience. Buy it, own if, if it glitters on the outside. Dress up, dress down, dress sideways. Wear you personality on your jacket, embellish your expression, hide behind your haircut.
Give your body, wear it out, upgrade, cash back and part exchange. Aim to be slimmer and more ergonomic. Be efficient, perform the jobs that theyd rather not do.
Girl, you must learn to behave yourself.
I am just one of millions, turn off the lights, untie the bow and perhaps Ill give you a piece of my mind.


Oh, I missed your birthday!! I hope it was a good one luscious!