My mom e-mailed me this today.

You know you're from Staten Island when....

1. You refer to Manhattan as "the city."
I also referred to Brooklyn as "the city," too.

2. You can name all four bridges.
Verazanno, Outerbridge, the Bayonne, and Goethals.

3. Denino's Pizza and Ralph's Ices are the best summertime treats and you will wait on line for 45 minutes just for...
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I must live to know that healing takes some time.
So no regrets, and no looking back to sinking ships.
I'll strip the gauze for a rational self-analysis.
I'm down. Cut and bound. Counting scars, and counting blessings loud....So loud.
There's this show on VH1 where your friends will collude to have a hidden camera put in your car to video tape you while you're alone (or so you think) and singing along to the stereo. Then, they put it on TV.

I'd be so fucked.
You are not the only one. biggrin
My mother called today and told me that my grandfather passed away this morning.

I'm going to the polling place first thing in the morning, and then hopping on a plane back to NY for his wake and funeral.

I'll be back Sunday.

Again, my thanks to all who've left their thoughts.
Safe travels and much strength.
It seems there's a lot of him in you, my friend. My best to you and your family.
Well. They unhooked him from the machines after all. He's breathing on his own now, but he has a collapsed lung and it's just a matter of time before his body gives out.

This has been the most horrible thing I've ever gone through.
I'm so sorry J. I know how you feel.. I also know how terrible and frustrating it feels to have your family on the otherside of the country. I wish I was closer to hug in person. Hang in there kitten. I'm here if you need someone. I'm thinking of you and your family. *hugs*
I will think some extra good thoughts for you babe.
So apparently, my grandfather's brain is showing minimal signs of activity, so the doctors are telling my mom and grandma they won't honor the DNR and unplug him from the machines. They say there's a chance he could wake up from his coma. Of course, what they seem to be ignoring is that thanks to the brain damage he's suffered, he won't be my grandfather...
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My mom called me last night to tell me that my grandmother and grandfather were out shopping yesterday when my grandfather started to feel dizzy. He told my grandmother "Don't worry. This happened to me before. I'll be fine." He then passed out. His heart stopped beating and it took the ambulance too long to reach him and he suffered brain damage.

He's at the...
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I am so sorry to hear this. If it's any consolation, he did not suffer for years - and the last person he saw was his lifetime love and partner.
I'm so so sorry jay frown <3