I guess he's calmed down now, because I just got back from damn near a whole day of pool and he seemed cool and in a good mood. So I'm not gonna worry about it anymore. He know's he was actin' a fool about all that so I wont hold it against him. I'm going to try to find me a girl at the next...
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smile kiss
It's been a few days since I last updated, and a big thanks to everyone who left a comment for my birthday. I set a new record at 8!

For the most part, my birthday and the whole weekend around it went pretty good. I ended up getting a nice pool cue with leather case, and a bit of spending money. I'm going to save...
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Wow...interesting weekend you had, my friend. I hope by now things have worked out a little. Interested to see how this pans out...keep us updated... biggrin

AND YAY for good birthdays!
happy birthday dude
We have the best birthday ever. Seriously... September 12 is the best day of the whole year. kiss
"Cause the only time your happy, is when you're all fucked up... you can wallow in your misery till you're shit shit shit shit shit shit outa' luck."

The show last night was real good. Other than losing 10 bucks in a drunken pool bet, everything was aces. I missed the openers but it didn't bother me, I heard from everyone they were a big...
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YAY for happier times...good for you!

Have a great weekend, looks like it's kicking off just right... biggrin
Kings of Nuthin is tonight! From what I can tell its a good Psycho / Rockabilly band. It has a good beat and a horn section so it really feels vintage other than the lyrics. I've liked what I've heard so far... plus the opening bands are actually decent for a change. Even apart from the show, this is a big night for our little...
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Ha rad, you bought a members only jacket biggrin Hell if I knew you dug thoses I think my dad still has his, I could of sent you it and called it your birthday present wink Happy early birthday hon kiss
How was the show last night?
Damn, dail-up sucks whatever
5 days until my birthday,
2 days until the Kings of Nuthin show.
Happy early Birthday!!! biggrin
Cool! Got any big plans?? (Showing my ignorance here, but who are the Kings of Nuthin'?)

(I always celebrate the 12 Days of My Birthday. More days = more presents. tee hee.) ooo aaa
I gave my last entry several days to collect comments but nothing ever came up... even if nobody read it, it feels wierd to have one up there from a day that happened so long ago. I'm moving on, backtrack if you care.

So it's been a wierd week. My head has been pounding and it's getting worse. When I was on my meds, forgetting...
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Sorry about the group, man. I always check up on every group I'm in, but it seems like people don't wanna discuss anything that actually has anything to do with the group's topics. I like reggae a lot, but it's not as much of a passion for me as Oi, punk, old hard core and the like when it comes to collecting and such. I know what I like and I try to pick up on good leads here and there, but I don't have a lot of worthwhile input on the subject in my opinion. As you saw, nobody had much to say on the Oi topic I started in there either. The other Skinhead group has gone much the same route, but I still see some of the topics that would fit in either group pop up in groups like Punk As Fuck or Aging Punks Unanimous. I don't know why it never really took off, it seemed like something that was wanted here, but who really knows.
It's been a long day.

I got up at around noon, then hit the streets with Andrew to do a whole bunch of stuff. First we went to a pawn shop to look at leather jackets, didn't find any good ones - get back to the car and there's antifreeze all over the ground. He get in a wreck the other day and it just...
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Today I spent more time out of the house than on a normal day... so why does it feel like I accomplished even less?

I woke just before noon, then got dressed and went out to Cue Palace to shoot some stick with Nathan until about 5. Once I got home it was just hanging around online and listening to music until well, now. I...
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Hey wink You seem to listen to some not so crap bands yourself. I love Wanda Jackson. Actually I saw her last
time she came through town I tell you what that little old broad can still rock! Talk to you soon.
Yeah, looking for a job, blows...sometimes you have to get a shit job while waiting for something better...plus it gives you more incentive to get out there looking for something better. Have a great weekend! biggrin
I haven't done anything of interest in a good while. I've been meaning to make it out to Aaron's house, but I'm more broke now than I have been in ages. I can't find a ride out. I've been seeing Andrew quite a bit, because he has his own car and can usually make it out to my side of town. It must be nice...
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Yeah, I've been listening to the Velvet Underground like CRAZY lately. Nico is indeed wonderful. Love her warm, husky voice. "I'll Be Your Mirror" is a truly great song. No doubt about it. I am convinced that I could not make it without music in my life. Keeps me sane, really. smile

(I've never hung-out in a mafia-owned bar before. Been in a few biker-owned, though.) wink