Well it was a fairly uneventful day, but I had a great steak for dinner so it's A-ok with me. I guess it was good that I didn't do much though because tomorrow is going to be busy as hell. I'm waking up early and going to catch lunch with Nathan then it's off to the pool hall till 5 o'clock. I had to duck out early last week so tomorrow we're going to get our damn monies worth. After the pool hall I'm heading home for dinner, then my buddy Dan is going to pick me up and we're going to some hole in the wall bar to send a friend off to NC. Sad to see her go now that we just got talking, but I know she want's to be with her hubby. I'd better get at least a little sniffle out of her though, I think I'm worth a little missin'.
when I have more time i'll join the group hopefully today. Yes I agree you should move. No offense but Oklahoma sucks. But then again who would come to our shows there if you did move? Stay put for now. maybe visit Austin. It's only 8 hours from there. HEHE

crouch croutch croutch