HOLY SHIT. My friend bought me Thrashin' on DVD, and I brought it to work and rerouted the DVD player's sound through the reciever, so right now everybody in the arcade has to listen to the Daggers and Ramp Locals bomb the LA Massacre to a rockin' 80's soundtrack.
Best night of my life? Sadly, yes.
Best night of my life? Sadly, yes.
So instead we snuck beer into the new Pioneer Square Regal Cinema and saw Lost in Translation, which was good, but no substitute for hot rocking sailormans. On the way out of the theater, this guy walking past us wheeling some lady around in a wheelchair stopped me and asked me for five dollars, which, I don't know, seems like a pretty huge amount of money to ask a random stranger for. I involuntarily laughed in his face.
Overall, the night was a supreme letdown.