The Good, the Bad, and the just plain Ridiculous
Starting off with the bad... primarily because it's fresh on my mind but also because venting about the more unfortunate events in one's life generally clears things up for prolonged periods of positivity. And I am an optimist at heart, after all.
Cinco de Fucking Mayo, y'all. Earlier in the week I was invited to a party, but declined due to a prior engagement. Well, that fell through (as most things in my life do lately... sigh...) so I was party-bound. Whee.
The friend who initially invited me didn't go, ostensibly because she didn't think I was going to make it, but now that I think about it, perhaps more truthfully because she had foreknowledge that the whole joint was going to be populated by obnoxious, pretentious assholes.
After spending the better part of the evening listening to people talk at one another rather that to one another in that reviled tone of pseudo-hipster eduspeak that seems to be a new graduation requirement for masters candidates (nothing against grad students; I myself am one... although, granted, at a much more gradual pace...) I decided to leave. I didn't even drink that much. I have a hard time drinking with people who annoy me.
In all honesty, my sarcastic comments on such varied topics as the fucking rain forest and foreign affairs should, at the very least, tipped people off that I was actually listening to what they had to say. That should have earned points in my favor. Instead, apparently, I came off as an irresponsible human. For shame.
Anyway... I left. And got pulled over. Have I been drinking? Um... (the pause killed me) So, technically, I had been... and I wasn't going to lie... but, fortunately, it had been a while since the last margarita. I was off the hook. Not a trace left in me. That relief did not make up for the anxiety felt during the entire process however.
So maybe my Wednesday sucked. My Monday was great. This time, in the company of people I do like... and seemingly like me in return... I was able to get well and truly drunk. On the Speakers and Death Cab kicked ass. We didn't stay for Ben Kweller. He's a dork. Don' t ruin a good show, I always say. That, then, was the good.
And the ridiculous? When a friend of mine told me about this, I had a hard time believing it at first. But, it's true: to promote the new Spider-Man movie, Major League Baseball stadiums -- Major Fucking Baseball -- is going to paint spider webs on the bases for one weekend of games. It's true.
My first response was one of horror. How can they do this? How can they sully the American pastime with gross commercial marketing techniques? How disgusting.
Two things changed my mind, however. First, during the weekend in question, the Giants are out of town. Therefore, no Spidey webs at SBC. Sanctity intact. Secondly, I'm reminded that corporate sponsorship is a professional sports reality all over the world. And it's only a matter of time before the Niners are wearing Coca-Cola logos on their helmets or the Warriors are dribbling a ball decked out with Golden Arches. Accept it, I told myself.
Accept it, and go to a game that weekend to say I was there.
I hate the fucking A's, but I think I'm gonna check out the bases on June 13th. Either that or visit a friend in Anaheim that weekend. Since, obviously, I hate the Angels more.
In spite of everything else... I do love comic books. And, well, it does sound kinda cool...
Starting off with the bad... primarily because it's fresh on my mind but also because venting about the more unfortunate events in one's life generally clears things up for prolonged periods of positivity. And I am an optimist at heart, after all.
Cinco de Fucking Mayo, y'all. Earlier in the week I was invited to a party, but declined due to a prior engagement. Well, that fell through (as most things in my life do lately... sigh...) so I was party-bound. Whee.
The friend who initially invited me didn't go, ostensibly because she didn't think I was going to make it, but now that I think about it, perhaps more truthfully because she had foreknowledge that the whole joint was going to be populated by obnoxious, pretentious assholes.
After spending the better part of the evening listening to people talk at one another rather that to one another in that reviled tone of pseudo-hipster eduspeak that seems to be a new graduation requirement for masters candidates (nothing against grad students; I myself am one... although, granted, at a much more gradual pace...) I decided to leave. I didn't even drink that much. I have a hard time drinking with people who annoy me.
In all honesty, my sarcastic comments on such varied topics as the fucking rain forest and foreign affairs should, at the very least, tipped people off that I was actually listening to what they had to say. That should have earned points in my favor. Instead, apparently, I came off as an irresponsible human. For shame.
Anyway... I left. And got pulled over. Have I been drinking? Um... (the pause killed me) So, technically, I had been... and I wasn't going to lie... but, fortunately, it had been a while since the last margarita. I was off the hook. Not a trace left in me. That relief did not make up for the anxiety felt during the entire process however.
So maybe my Wednesday sucked. My Monday was great. This time, in the company of people I do like... and seemingly like me in return... I was able to get well and truly drunk. On the Speakers and Death Cab kicked ass. We didn't stay for Ben Kweller. He's a dork. Don' t ruin a good show, I always say. That, then, was the good.
And the ridiculous? When a friend of mine told me about this, I had a hard time believing it at first. But, it's true: to promote the new Spider-Man movie, Major League Baseball stadiums -- Major Fucking Baseball -- is going to paint spider webs on the bases for one weekend of games. It's true.
My first response was one of horror. How can they do this? How can they sully the American pastime with gross commercial marketing techniques? How disgusting.
Two things changed my mind, however. First, during the weekend in question, the Giants are out of town. Therefore, no Spidey webs at SBC. Sanctity intact. Secondly, I'm reminded that corporate sponsorship is a professional sports reality all over the world. And it's only a matter of time before the Niners are wearing Coca-Cola logos on their helmets or the Warriors are dribbling a ball decked out with Golden Arches. Accept it, I told myself.
Accept it, and go to a game that weekend to say I was there.
I hate the fucking A's, but I think I'm gonna check out the bases on June 13th. Either that or visit a friend in Anaheim that weekend. Since, obviously, I hate the Angels more.
In spite of everything else... I do love comic books. And, well, it does sound kinda cool...

Hey I thought I might ask you since you are from SF.....know of any really reputable tattoo places? I've been itching to get a new one but the shops I've been to have been way overly the ones on Haight....I got mine in SLO and I don't really know of where to go in the city. Molti ringraziamenti..........or something