ci vediamo
I carried a moleskine around on my latest travels, determined not to let a moment linger too long in my short-term before committing it to prose. This was a highly effective way to get about, led to more introspection than I would have thought, and less of the kind of went-here-saw-this journaling my flashlight-enabled bus and train scribbling seemed to influence in others. I'm proud to look back, too, at my tenacity: entries logged while ridiculously intoxicated and swaggering in the moonlight, snippets of conversation I'd otherwise have misquoted or miscontrued (now I can misquote and know it), and initial reactions and assumptions that can never be truly, properly, recreated.
There are so many people. So many goddam wonderful lightning-bug twinkly-eyed people in this world. I may be in love with each and every one of them. Or, at least, the nice ones. I love being knee-deep in humanity: people I travel with, people I meet while traveling, people who have traveled through me. When a group of us got together immediately after our trip to share photos (god bless the digital age; I'm taking a film developing class in a few weeks so as to not lose touch with the lusty tangible side of photography, but still...) we all noticed how few pictures I'd actually taken of things -- places, statues, signs -- and how many I'd taken of people. "Where's this? The background's blurry." I remember where that is. It's in the first alley behind the Piazza Ognisanti where we met the guy who went to Stanford and then moved to Firenze to open a bar and the hot Cuban girl who Shelley said "reeked of attraction." I remember people and phrases and names and aces. I think I like sculpture more than architecture. I think rivers make me sad in a good way and the ocean makes me happy in a terrifying way. I think I keep learning things about myself. And I always will.
I need to travel some more.
Greece, anyone?
Gf's out there now, so i'd better get my ass in gear, but i've got plenty to figure out before then (renting condo, etc.). Plus i'm dragging my feet 'cause i'm so rooted here but the move is inevitable... probably by 4/1 or so.
Dunno about Sac, F's looking for places in the city now, probably somewhere around the Mission. A good place to visit at least
PS I know i got an email from you a looooong time ago so i might try to dig it up.