i've arrived in perth... woo hoo i can hear u all say or is it about bloody time!!!
yes, just over three weeks frommelbourne to perth with a few detours involved... but all good fun.
will update my adventures some time this week....i know u have to wait just a little while longer but hey that's life!
hopefully i'll get some new pics updated too.
yes, just over three weeks frommelbourne to perth with a few detours involved... but all good fun.
will update my adventures some time this week....i know u have to wait just a little while longer but hey that's life!
hopefully i'll get some new pics updated too.

and I catch the train 4 times a week to joondalup for uni.
nah it wont clear my head... and things will look no better as in the back of my mind i'll constantly know that i'm going back to southend... is all good though
depressed... hell yeah
paranoid... hell yeah... but not in the same way.... is hard to explain... honestly thought that was going to be it this weekend... i think is just all part and parcel of me being pissed off..
hopefully tristian will help clean up my head a little... couldnt make it any worse i guess....
no you dont... not by a long shot x