I. Am. Burnt. Out.
Work is kicking my ass this week. I can hardly move now that ive sat down. It has been so busy because the weather is getting nice, and i have no help and im doing everything, including making sure my deparment (the whole second floor) is in top shape for our grand re- opening in a week. So stressful. Tomorrow will be day 6 in a row. Then a day off. Finally. A short reprieve.
Heres a work selfie
Since im all alone most of the time on the sexond floor, sometimes it's my castle, other times my dungeon. Sometimes it's my sanctuary, occasionally ill call it my lair.
Oh, and sometimes i wear glasses. Im an old lady now and actually need them to do stuff. Haha.
My boss also took us all out for bowling and beer after work on thursday and it was a really fucking great time. My boss is the man. Except for him being a devious bastard getting us all drunk on a work night and taking the next day off himself. All my bosses are pretty cool actually. I love my job. I just wish i was paid enough to make the amount of work i do (and subsequent pain i suffer) worth it.
With the nice weather comes the itch to get outside. Missing the beach badly. Have my bikini all ready for this year. Want to be tan.
I wanna do more photography too. I just wish i wasnt so poor and burnt out from work. Otherwise I might actually do something constructive in my free time. I lack so much motivation on my days off.
Otherwise.... My life consists of bills... Smoking pot.... Watching some sports... Oh and Game of Thrones of course! Episode 3 tomorrow!
Have an early sundies ;)
Until next time ;)