I hope all is well with everyone. Ill have a more general update blog for you very soon but for now i thought id tackle another homework topic from @missy and @rambo , this time with some booty pictures for good measure. Because who doesnt love some ass?
This should be an interesting blog to write. Where to start....
Fact #1
Ive been a quite a stoner for almost a decade now. I have the molecular structure of TCH tattooed on my hip. My boyfriend originally introduced me to it, though it really was only a matter of time. I smoke a solid 3 spliffs a day, minimum. I like bowls and bongs and a straight joint occasionally, but my preference will always be to spliff it. I dont smoke blunts anymore unless im with a lot of people, i used to smoke wayyy too many of those back in the day.
I smoke as "self-medication" in a lot of ways. But i would be stupid if i didnt admit that when i started, i didnt consider it having positive benefits. It was pure recreation. It wasnt until high school that i started to take advantage of all the positive byproducts of smoking even just a little pot.
I could talk for days about why i think marijuana is a positive things but i'll just close with saying some of my best friends are straight edge, and its totally not for everybody. I totally respect and understand that. But if youve never tried it, i would totally recommend it.
I told you there was booty, i didnt say it would be relevent to the topic :-p
Fact #2
Im really competitive. I love healthy competition, but i also kind of compete against myself, or even unsuspecting people haha. (Like if im walking, and see someone walking way ahead of me, i'll race them and try and pass them. They just dont know it. Haha.) I think thats more about pushing myself though. I want to be the best at everything that i do. I have a very hard time enjoying myself when im not good at something. But im always up for a challenge. I love sports and games.
Fact #3
Is kind of related to fact number 2, in that my competitiveness extends to my thirst for knowledge. As ive gotten older, my quest for knowledge has only gotten greater, and a lot of that is due to surrounding myself with a lot of very intelligent friends who challenge you on a daily basis. Witty, educated, smart encyclopedias who like to have debates and play trivia and always have something interesting to contribute to a conversation. It definitely drives me to keep reading and learning about all kinda of topics. Currently the cosmos.
I highly recommend Star talk radio if you like science. Neil Degrasse Tyson has been doing a fantastic job for quite a few years hosting this podcast. He covers any science related topic you can imagine. I like to listen as i lay down for bed or if im on a long ride somewhere.
And definitely follow I fucking love science on facebook.
Fact #4
I'm an atheist. Very much so actually. I'm sure ive offended someone already, but this is my blog so let me start this bit with a little disclaimer: i dont decide whether or not i like someone based on religious beliefs, nor do i berrate individuals for their beliefs or discriminate in any way. But i do have VERY strong beliefs on the matter That may be offensive to you.
I grew up with a non-practicing Catholic mom and a hardly-practicing atheist jew for a father. (Yes an atheist jew is a thing. No, Im not getting into that right now.) i went to church a handful of times, and spent some time in hebrew school. My best friend was jewish so i was very interested in exploring it as a child. I still know all the Hanukkah prayers.
I had never really considered a God until high school. And then, because of my insatiable thirst for knowlege, dove head first into religion from an academic perspective.
I find organized religion poisonous. It does more harm than good. I find peoole who believe in god to be short changing themselves, limiting their view of the world, and life, so much that they will never reach their full potential. I feel like it's a sad waste of our amazing brains and our capabilities as humans to just accept and bow down to a man-made construct that stopped serving any real purpose the moment humans began to decode the world and understand their surroundings. In this era, i personally find it unacceptable to reject science.
It seemed like a good time for another one :)
Fact #5
I have chocolate every day. Chocolate is one of the 3 molecular structures i have tattooed on my hip for a reason. I dont usually gorge myself on it, so i dont consider it a bad thing. At least not in relation to my other, worse, habits. I fucking love chocolate milk. And reeses.
There really isnt more to say about that.
Fact #6
Im an artist, but i hate telling people that because everyone has these ideas of what an artist is and its usually insulting and demeaning. And i also dont really "feel" like one sometimes. and they always ask to see my work and i usually say no because i dont like them myself, or i dont think the photos i have to justice to the real thing. My relationship to art is complicated. Stereotypically tormented. But a completely necessary practice for me.
Fact #7
A lot of times, i dont wear panties. Even though i LOVE panties and have so many of them. I dont really know why. Hahaha.
Fact #8
I work in a hardware store. I pretty much run the tool and hardware department now. Its the whole second floor of the store, and i am up there by myself all day. I order all the inventory and deal with all the distributers, vendors and sales people. Im pretty damn good at my job. And its really gratifying. I deal with a lot of sexism and disrespect, and way too many inappropriate comments and advances. But honestly, not much makes me happier than some man coming in and belitting me, assuming i dont know shit, and getting to put him in his place and earn his respect.
Fact #9
Im really introverted and socially anxious. And i feel very socially awkward. I struggle with mending my idea of me internally with who i am externally. It leads me to spend most of my time in my head. Also, social functions sometimes make me really tired if im not close with a lot of the people. Work is particularly exhausting, because i have to put so much effort into social interaction.
Fact #10
Im about to pass out from exhaustion so i'll make this last one easy. My favorite foods besides chocolate are strawberries covered in chocolate, followed by french fries, guacamole and bacon cheeseburgers.
Im so tired.
Goodnight loves!
Until next time,