Today's test: Reposado Tequilas.
5 test subjects drank a 1/3 shot of tequila, straight, from each of 4 samples:
- Zapopan
- Cazadores
- Milagro
- Trader Joe's "Distinqt"
The tests were double blinded: Neither subject nor administrator knew what was being consumed*. The subjects ranked the 4 samples, and those rankings were processed via Condorcet voting.
1st place: Cazadores
2nd place: Trader Joe's "Distinqt"
3rd place: Milagro
4th place: Zapopan
The results were unambiguous: 4 out of 5 reviewers immediately gave the Zapopan their bottom ranking. 3 out of 5 gave Cazadores their top rank, so it won not only by Condorcet compromise-finding, but through simple majority as well.
*:Granted, the Milagro was a silver thrown in with 3 reposados, so you could hold it up to the light and see.
Today's test: Reposado Tequilas.
5 test subjects drank a 1/3 shot of tequila, straight, from each of 4 samples:
- Zapopan
- Cazadores
- Milagro
- Trader Joe's "Distinqt"
The tests were double blinded: Neither subject nor administrator knew what was being consumed*. The subjects ranked the 4 samples, and those rankings were processed via Condorcet voting.
1st place: Cazadores
2nd place: Trader Joe's "Distinqt"
3rd place: Milagro
4th place: Zapopan
The results were unambiguous: 4 out of 5 reviewers immediately gave the Zapopan their bottom ranking. 3 out of 5 gave Cazadores their top rank, so it won not only by Condorcet compromise-finding, but through simple majority as well.
*:Granted, the Milagro was a silver thrown in with 3 reposados, so you could hold it up to the light and see.
especially liquor and candy! least in my opinion
You're right, and we postponed his chicken pox vaccine for just that reason (my wife's sister nearly died from chicken pox at age thirteen, so if he doesn't get it within the next few years, we will vaccinate against it, but supposedly the naturally acquired immunity is better defense against shingles later). But I was hoping he'd be at least two before he caught it.