If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches.
By that measure I am blameworthy today, for I am BORED out of my skull. It's been a productive deskbound day, breaking through coding problems that had been blocking me for weeks, and with that no longer on my shoulders, I am direly wanting to get out of the house.
Know anything exciting happening tonight?
Tomorrow is Renegade Craft Faire SF. And then I'm hosting boardgames. But tonight, she is slow.
And in news from the Oakland department of Kafka:
The DMV keeps sending me letters that say they're suspending my license for not having insurance.
But when I call them, they say that it's a mistake, and that I do have insurance, and a license, and that it's very much not suspended.
But that their computers made the mistake, and that they're going to make it again.
So we'll keep sending you nasty letters, OK?