Hi SG,
Yes, I do remember you. No, I haven't fallen out with you, and yes, I'm still a paying customer.
Guess what? I've been busy. As fucking always.
Low down?
Quit my job, got a new one. Start in a week, which has given me about a fortnight of intensive studying for my 3rd year exams which also start in a week. Scary shit to think that if I pass these, I'm in possession of a degree. Man, I'm 19. Fucksake.
The boyfriend's started physio for his brain. The idiot! To me that just goes to show that he uses his brain so little that they need to TEACH him how to use it
He's got an MRI on the 13th, so that'll hopefully be positive. He's still in a mental rut, which is upsetting. I guess he just feels like he's going to be ill forever. He's getting more positive, though. He came back from his second session of physio today and was really excited about how it's going. Also, his physiotherapist is a metal chick, so he's digging that
Apparently she's been complimenting on his ink. It's funny, though. He reckons I should come to his next appointment because me and her have 'so much in common', and I'd apparently be really interested because it's kinda to do with psychology. Basically, he's excited because he wants a threesome with her
By the way, what the fuck is it with everyone having their 21st within a month of each other?
Up until recently, I had a pretty close group of friends, and one best friend in particular, which is awesome.
Recently, however, I've gotten back in touch with an old best friend, and I've never been closer to her, and it's fucking awesome.
Aye, so. They're both turning 21 within a week of each other. Where am I going to find the money's to get TWO amazing presents, get FOUR people steaming drunk (my two best friends and myself twice, naturally) and make TWO amazing nights ne'er to be forgotten?! I mean c'mon! I'm a student. And a shit waitress!
Anyway, I guess I should make my way back to the books. I've got a brand new pack of cigarettes next to me, a fully working kettle with sugar, milk and tea bags (tea is THE most metal drink in the world), and iTunes on with some awesome newly downloaded content in it to fuel me through the next few hours, and then a nice big bag of grass to reward me when I'm done for the night
AND because I'm between jobs, I ain't got shit to get up for tomorrow!
Wish me luck!
And love to those that matter
Yes, I do remember you. No, I haven't fallen out with you, and yes, I'm still a paying customer.
Guess what? I've been busy. As fucking always.
Low down?
Quit my job, got a new one. Start in a week, which has given me about a fortnight of intensive studying for my 3rd year exams which also start in a week. Scary shit to think that if I pass these, I'm in possession of a degree. Man, I'm 19. Fucksake.
The boyfriend's started physio for his brain. The idiot! To me that just goes to show that he uses his brain so little that they need to TEACH him how to use it

By the way, what the fuck is it with everyone having their 21st within a month of each other?
Up until recently, I had a pretty close group of friends, and one best friend in particular, which is awesome.
Recently, however, I've gotten back in touch with an old best friend, and I've never been closer to her, and it's fucking awesome.
Aye, so. They're both turning 21 within a week of each other. Where am I going to find the money's to get TWO amazing presents, get FOUR people steaming drunk (my two best friends and myself twice, naturally) and make TWO amazing nights ne'er to be forgotten?! I mean c'mon! I'm a student. And a shit waitress!
Anyway, I guess I should make my way back to the books. I've got a brand new pack of cigarettes next to me, a fully working kettle with sugar, milk and tea bags (tea is THE most metal drink in the world), and iTunes on with some awesome newly downloaded content in it to fuel me through the next few hours, and then a nice big bag of grass to reward me when I'm done for the night

Wish me luck!
And love to those that matter
