Greetings from Tex-ASS!
I am yet again in the land of big ass belt buckles and country music.
Not in that good way:
But in this way:
Oh well. I guess that's what happens when your corporate headquarters are in this hell hole.
If you are at all interested in my thoughts on the area you can read them
here from the last time I was here a year ago.
Damn I miss my baby.
I'll be home soon.

I am yet again in the land of big ass belt buckles and country music.
Not in that good way:

But in this way:

Oh well. I guess that's what happens when your corporate headquarters are in this hell hole.
If you are at all interested in my thoughts on the area you can read them
here from the last time I was here a year ago.
Damn I miss my baby.
I'll be home soon.

I am still alive, it is true.
Happy birthday one Day late!!!