It's over, finally.
Why do drunk people do things like fall off of porches 8 feet high up? Don't girl and boys know this causes stress for their girl or boy? or their family?
Lesson of the month, don't get hammered and hangout on a porch when barely able to walk, you might fall off and put your loved ones through a bunch of stress... or die, but being dead wouldn't really effect you if you were dead, so consider your loved ones instead.
Just sayin.
Back online-ish, try to be back here more, it's been hectic this last few weeks with work, trying to find new place and the 5 days sittin in hospital waiting for the girlie to get better. No permanent damage, maybe little memory loss, but she's up and walking, talking and getting back into trouble.
Hope to be back on soon. Night you crazy kids.

Why do drunk people do things like fall off of porches 8 feet high up? Don't girl and boys know this causes stress for their girl or boy? or their family?
Lesson of the month, don't get hammered and hangout on a porch when barely able to walk, you might fall off and put your loved ones through a bunch of stress... or die, but being dead wouldn't really effect you if you were dead, so consider your loved ones instead.
Just sayin.
Back online-ish, try to be back here more, it's been hectic this last few weeks with work, trying to find new place and the 5 days sittin in hospital waiting for the girlie to get better. No permanent damage, maybe little memory loss, but she's up and walking, talking and getting back into trouble.
Hope to be back on soon. Night you crazy kids.

simma down! these things take time like a good whiskey