Justin has been in town this week, but he leaves tomarow, so i will be just as boring and have nothing to do once again. But in five days i get to take the bus down to see justin with kristen. we will shop and go to dairy queen. im really excited.
i have an exam tomarow at 9 am. this semester i took 4 classes and im pretty sure that im only going to pass one of them. i hate math, i hate english tech and i hate world issues. english comp i hate also... but i dont suck as bad in that one. my GPA is 57%. sickk.
i should go and try to study for world issues tho.
so long and good night.
ps. while im in winnipeg visiting justin im going to get some cherry blossoms. not on my head ofcorse.
i have an exam tomarow at 9 am. this semester i took 4 classes and im pretty sure that im only going to pass one of them. i hate math, i hate english tech and i hate world issues. english comp i hate also... but i dont suck as bad in that one. my GPA is 57%. sickk.
i should go and try to study for world issues tho.
so long and good night.

ps. while im in winnipeg visiting justin im going to get some cherry blossoms. not on my head ofcorse.
Hi Sweetie..thanks for the friend request