I need my fucking laptop back.
I have been using my sidekick to update on all my social websites, and it sucks.
I have no exclamation points, question marks, and half of the buttons are broken.
So i swear, im more interesting than what my writing appears.
I have soo many videos and photos to upload to show what ive been up to, but my only way to upload is at my parents, 40 minutes from my place hah.
Anyway, today i am halfway finished with my cosmotology schooling
My new teacher today said the phrase, you dont wanna wear out your brand new shoes in a week..
In otherwords dont fuck every and any man, you got time. Hah.
Shes the craaziest lady, with so much confidence and poise, shes amazing
. Shes a great instructor to have.
Last night i got in another car accident. I just had my car fixed one week ago, got it fixed n shiney, then this girl side swipes me. Nothing major done to it, but i have a very nice 08 scion tc, and im not gonna leave those scuffs on her. So, my poor pyt goes back to the shop next week.
Other than that, im starting a diet, and thats about all.
Its fuckin cold in chicago today, im sick of this booty weather
ive always wanted to use that throwupguy heh.
Ill update later, with something more productive to say
I have been using my sidekick to update on all my social websites, and it sucks.
I have no exclamation points, question marks, and half of the buttons are broken.
So i swear, im more interesting than what my writing appears.
I have soo many videos and photos to upload to show what ive been up to, but my only way to upload is at my parents, 40 minutes from my place hah.
Anyway, today i am halfway finished with my cosmotology schooling

My new teacher today said the phrase, you dont wanna wear out your brand new shoes in a week..
In otherwords dont fuck every and any man, you got time. Hah.
Shes the craaziest lady, with so much confidence and poise, shes amazing

Last night i got in another car accident. I just had my car fixed one week ago, got it fixed n shiney, then this girl side swipes me. Nothing major done to it, but i have a very nice 08 scion tc, and im not gonna leave those scuffs on her. So, my poor pyt goes back to the shop next week.
Other than that, im starting a diet, and thats about all.
Its fuckin cold in chicago today, im sick of this booty weather

Ill update later, with something more productive to say

yeah i lived in chill cago for like 2 yrs an hated the winter too..damn i sound all negative haha
heres a pic to make u feel better of california sun