Hey there, SGLand!
Our season is here and it's time to spread even more love to (y)our favorite hopeful babes! ๐ฅฐ
So I came here to show my love to these beautiful babes, my dear friends I met through this amazing community (thank you, SGLand!) and of course I had to share their beauty with y'all!
Much love for all of
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Hey y'all SGLand! @missy @jacqueline @rambo @sean
I want to talk with you about this amazing girl, my dear friend @ilana
You must have seen her sometimes on our front page! She always tell us about her amazing taste in music, great movies and we are always blessed with her lovely pictures and videos! She's so smart and talented, a great girl and flawless model!...
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I'm bored as fuck, working hard from home and waiting for better days, trying not to freak out lol
What about you? ๐ฅฐ
@missy @rambo @mickey
Hey hey SG Land! @missy @rambo @jacqueline @mickey
I was nominated by my mom @thay to take this homework, here we go!
What is your favorite book of all time? Tell us a bit about it!
The Exorcist. I didn't even finish this book yet, I thought that was so heavy. I think everybody knows The Exorcist movie, right? Well, the book is a hundred...
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Hi, SG Land! @missy @rambo @jacqueline @mickey
I was nominated by my lovely friend @cherryany to tell you some things about me. :)
1. What food do you crave most often?
Sushi, cake and candies, always.
2. Can you swim?
3. Can you whistle?
Not much, but I try lol.
4. Home on a beach or in the mountain?
In the mountain. I love
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Hello, everyone! @missy @rambo @mickey @jacqueline
There was a tough time when I've decided to go to a therapist and try to deal with my unsolved stuff. The "fun" thing I've learned in therapy is, no matter how obvious some things are, sometimes we don't notice them until someone tell us.
I used to be angry all the time with someone who made bad things...
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Hey, SGLand!
I think it's kinda cliche when we say the next year will be better... last year I thought 2019 would be the year of my life but this was the worst year ever in so many ways... but we never lose hope and we keep wishing good things the next year lol
I never set goals to accomplish and I think this is...
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