Loading the car yesterday I tipped over a box of old cassettes...in it I found:
I have been listening to it ever since!
With lyrics like this:
Gunter glieben glauchen globen
All right
I got something to say
Yeah, it's better to burn out
Yeah, than fade away
who wouldn't want to listen?
Got to see about half of Anchorman tonight. What I did see was pretty damn funny!
Hope everyone's weekend is smashing!

I have been listening to it ever since!
With lyrics like this:
Gunter glieben glauchen globen
All right
I got something to say
Yeah, it's better to burn out
Yeah, than fade away
who wouldn't want to listen?
Got to see about half of Anchorman tonight. What I did see was pretty damn funny!
Hope everyone's weekend is smashing!

I love it when I find old stuff like that...though more often than not when i listen to it its cringeworthy.
Have fun.
fucking foley hurts like shit and now you point out how old i am.....
i definitely need a laugh or two to get my mind off of all this shit. i think waterboy is coming from netflix today, hopefully that will do the trick. vicoden is just taking the edge off at the moment...