Update, oh update.
Thanks to everyone on SG for making last week a total blast. It started on Wednesday night with the Thievery Corporation show at the Roseland. I thought the show was VERY good, but maybe not quite as good as last year's effort. Still, I was just a couple people back from the front of the stage, joined by SG Germany and the cool-as-hell wakeangel. Other friends joined the festivities and everyone dug that action!
Friday night I stayed home to prepare for a small dinner party I hosted on Saturday. Baking/cooking when it is over 100 degrees out is well below average. Saturday during the day I played in a benefit golf tourney. It was hotter than hell out there, but I had a good time catching up with college peeps and cracking jokes.
Saturday night after the dinner party, I gathered troops at Chopsticks for some karaoke and shiz. Having a designated driver rules...especially one that bought many drinks for me! (and others) It was a good turnout of SG and non-SG friends. Some from college, some from work. Some members who rcoked the house: brokenbeatnik, wakeangel, gregweed, minibeanie, ladybelmont, hypnogogic, MissMyla, cheech and former member phillipetheotter. A special shout out to the amazing n8tvegrl Not only was dinner at her pad on Thursday excellent, but seeing her out and having fun was awesome!
After karaoke some of the crew headed to Devil's Point for debauchery as only they can provide. Not only did I enjoy two private dances, one of them was a DOUBLE. Two girls at the same time...one of which was our very own Stormy!! After that, I was dropped at home to pass out. Sunday was a chill out day. I didn't feel so fresh and fancy when I woke up at 8, so I stayed in bed until noon. (woke up quick, at about noon...knew I had to be in Compton soon) I watched mutliple episodes of VH1s "World Series of Pop Culture." I did ok, but there is no way I could compete on that level After watching the Red Sox lose the weirdest game I have seen in a while, I watched the bitchin' HBO show Deadwood. So good, it is a shame they are done after this year.
Monday was my birthday...thanks for all the great birthday wishes!!
I ended up with some non-SG peeps at the New Old Lompoc and then over to the Rogue Brewery where several other SG peeps met up! Then off to East, which is one bar I will certainly return to!
Now time to see about car repair and work. Life isn't ALL rock and roll, but the times that it is make the other shit worth it!
Hope you are all doing well. I will post photos of some action tonight!
Your pal,

Thanks to everyone on SG for making last week a total blast. It started on Wednesday night with the Thievery Corporation show at the Roseland. I thought the show was VERY good, but maybe not quite as good as last year's effort. Still, I was just a couple people back from the front of the stage, joined by SG Germany and the cool-as-hell wakeangel. Other friends joined the festivities and everyone dug that action!
Friday night I stayed home to prepare for a small dinner party I hosted on Saturday. Baking/cooking when it is over 100 degrees out is well below average. Saturday during the day I played in a benefit golf tourney. It was hotter than hell out there, but I had a good time catching up with college peeps and cracking jokes.
Saturday night after the dinner party, I gathered troops at Chopsticks for some karaoke and shiz. Having a designated driver rules...especially one that bought many drinks for me! (and others) It was a good turnout of SG and non-SG friends. Some from college, some from work. Some members who rcoked the house: brokenbeatnik, wakeangel, gregweed, minibeanie, ladybelmont, hypnogogic, MissMyla, cheech and former member phillipetheotter. A special shout out to the amazing n8tvegrl Not only was dinner at her pad on Thursday excellent, but seeing her out and having fun was awesome!

After karaoke some of the crew headed to Devil's Point for debauchery as only they can provide. Not only did I enjoy two private dances, one of them was a DOUBLE. Two girls at the same time...one of which was our very own Stormy!! After that, I was dropped at home to pass out. Sunday was a chill out day. I didn't feel so fresh and fancy when I woke up at 8, so I stayed in bed until noon. (woke up quick, at about noon...knew I had to be in Compton soon) I watched mutliple episodes of VH1s "World Series of Pop Culture." I did ok, but there is no way I could compete on that level After watching the Red Sox lose the weirdest game I have seen in a while, I watched the bitchin' HBO show Deadwood. So good, it is a shame they are done after this year.
Monday was my birthday...thanks for all the great birthday wishes!!

Now time to see about car repair and work. Life isn't ALL rock and roll, but the times that it is make the other shit worth it!
Hope you are all doing well. I will post photos of some action tonight!
Your pal,

I like the monkey wrench idea..

Yeah... They had some band playing there tonight. Bah.