Right now I am going to school to get my associate's degree in occupational health. So my mom and dad have been taking care of Jareth while I am at school. Then I would pick him up once class is over at lunchtime. Well today i called my mom to ask if she wanted me to come get him. She said no. And if I ever want to see my son again I have to talk to her. She said I'm an unfit mother. That i don't feed him, change him or spend any of my attention at him. Well now I am not supposed to even come see him at night. She said it is too hard for him when i leave. I can't afford to put him in daycare for even 4 hours that i am at school. And I would be in the same position if I quit school to go back to work. I would have no one that can take care of him. I just don't know what to do. I am crying all the time because I miss my son so much and can never see him. I am almost to the point of suicidal because this is breaking my heart so much. I don't want to study, eat or do anything. Just cry and sleep. I want my little guy back more then anything possible.
How are thing going now?