Just got a camera oober stoked! Got to take some new photo's for you guys tonight might upload them tonight may wait untill the am. Soooooo happy! It isn't the best camera in the world like seriously it is only a 7.1 mp but it is mine so yay!!! and best part it was for free! Heroine, I am off Thursday (baby dr appt 7 months tomorrow!) and Sunday this week, hit me up about doing a set, same clothing situation as before really i have a lil new stuff but not much. So general SG public (haha) expect a new set hopefully soon, hopefully one that will take me out of the hopeful category but if not oh well, i just want some new stuff up for all of you who have been here and still loving me, even when i was not on. Thank you so much to everyone! I love all of you!
Sounds exciting.