Things aint seem to be going my way
Consequently i've been drinkin' nearly every day
But its hard to keep chin up when they're knockin' you down
So i've been makin' that all go round.
Drinking bottom shelf bourbon to ease my mind
Seems to work alright 'til closing time
But you know you're gonna come down every night
And there ain't no way you'll...
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Consequently i've been drinkin' nearly every day
But its hard to keep chin up when they're knockin' you down
So i've been makin' that all go round.
Drinking bottom shelf bourbon to ease my mind
Seems to work alright 'til closing time
But you know you're gonna come down every night
And there ain't no way you'll...
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hey therE!
Sooooo, this'll be the last one for a long time me thinks.. I got a lot ahead. I've been in school for almost 9 months, and its coming to an abrupt end. Kinda scary, the thought of not being tied down. I have to go out and find work now, and i do NOT want kitchen work anymore. There will be some whoring probly, and...
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Sooooo, this'll be the last one for a long time me thinks.. I got a lot ahead. I've been in school for almost 9 months, and its coming to an abrupt end. Kinda scary, the thought of not being tied down. I have to go out and find work now, and i do NOT want kitchen work anymore. There will be some whoring probly, and...
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ALLLLLLLBBBBUUUMMMMM! It's coming along, pretty quick might i add. That along with 5 other major projects due in 3 weeks, never mind studying... I cant sleep. Too much stuff to do. But i'm le tired... Oh well, i'm happy with it. No place i'd rather be. Show coming soon. On the 10th of december. Its at a cafe in a really ritzy place, but i...
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Sooo, im going to Victoria, i'll see my two brothers along with some other friends of the past. I think this is going to be really good. I have to bring my guitar, but also my personal studio, which is like a huge bag and then some, its going to be hard to figure out a way to make it all fit on my body...
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Strange people are always rad! Music exchange when i get back? Or music dump i guess?
Yes agreed.. I might have something you don't have? bahaha but who's kidding, I doubt it

Back to being frustrated again, and exhausted. No time, no money, few friends, and fewer good times. Everything is a constant blur right now. I haven't been sleeping much lately if at all, and i feel like i'm constantly dreaming, things are very hallucinogenic. Hallways extend, rooms shift in angle and in height. It's all probably not a good thing, considering that all i do...
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I'm sorry to hear
wish I could be there more

I got all the songs written for the new album now and most of the bed tracks recorded, so it shouldn't be long until i can get that shit manufactured and start playin shows... Getting kind of nervous about shows though, i dont know what genre to call this stuff. It seems like i could just pull off doing coffee shop gigs but too much...
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whats your band called? myspace link? itunes?
band is
other stuff is
other stuff is
Do dee doo de doooooo!
That's all.
That's all.

So, it's official. I found the headspace that i need to be in. Looking back it seems like it took forever, but i'm genuinely happy now. I'll be releasing a 7 song EP two months from now called 'Write, Record, Forget' which is going to blow anyones mind that's ever heard anything i've ever done before. Very exciting. I have two good friends and engineers...
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Glad you have found the right headspace 

Me Too

You are totally right! Thanks, and as for my dreads, i love them, and i'm not going to stop growing them for as long as i can! They're almost a foot long now. Which makes me wonder how long my hair would actually be. haha

hey thats for the ad!