I've certainly been slacking on updating this journal..
It's Saturday.. and I'm behind on my bills right now. I had two room mates.. one of them promised to catch up on his share of the bills by June 1.. he disappeared a few days before.. owing me two months rent and two months bills.. totaling $580.. and now.. he rolls back in and says, "Bob.. I've met a wonderful boy.. I'm gonna move in with him.. I'll be back for my stuff in a few days.."
ok.. I'm already behind, since I took him at his work and paid a few other bills with my money.. now that he has no money for me.. (I know I shouldn't have counted on it) it makes me even further behind.. EH.. fuck this sucks.. I began the steps to refinance the house.. so I can fix it up and sell it to Yuppies and turn a profit.
yeah.. I know.. It's my house.. the american dream..
but it's actually an albatross around my neck. My ex girlfriend asked me to buy a house with her to prove the depth of my love. To give her some sense of permanency to her life.. She didn't want to feel like she was wasting her life..
And then she left me..
(just so everyone knows.. I'm not an asshole or complainer normally.. and I'm not overly bitter.. I just have to vent when a ton of Shite builds up)
So here I sit with a house that needs major repair.. up to my asshole in debt.. hoping to get a loan to pay my loan and fix up the house.. the only thing going for me is the estimated value of my neighborhood and the fact that people will pay a whole lot to live down here...
so I have one roomie left.... Oh yeah, did I mention that he just got a promotion to the Chicago area for WholeFoods market..... So I have zero roomies left..
But hope is on the way.. and any of the wonderful Saphic group here will love her.. Her name is Tanya and she's absolutely adorable.. She's stocky and short and a beautiful woman whit tats and mods.. and she looks 19 but in fact is about 30.. she's Black-enese.. that's right Japanese and Black.. She used to stay with me and Jami before Jami left.. so I get part of my family back
I wish I had a few extra bucks right now.. I wanted to hit the Twangfest show here in the STL.. but I couldn't spare $18 on further review of my finances..
So I sit here and type on my little SG blog.. and cruise while looking at hotties..
ah.. nude women.. my panacea, my cure-all, my patent medicine for the aches and pains that chase me through the days..
so how the fuck are you doing? leave me a note.. I'll reply... I promise
It's Saturday.. and I'm behind on my bills right now. I had two room mates.. one of them promised to catch up on his share of the bills by June 1.. he disappeared a few days before.. owing me two months rent and two months bills.. totaling $580.. and now.. he rolls back in and says, "Bob.. I've met a wonderful boy.. I'm gonna move in with him.. I'll be back for my stuff in a few days.."
ok.. I'm already behind, since I took him at his work and paid a few other bills with my money.. now that he has no money for me.. (I know I shouldn't have counted on it) it makes me even further behind.. EH.. fuck this sucks.. I began the steps to refinance the house.. so I can fix it up and sell it to Yuppies and turn a profit.
yeah.. I know.. It's my house.. the american dream..
but it's actually an albatross around my neck. My ex girlfriend asked me to buy a house with her to prove the depth of my love. To give her some sense of permanency to her life.. She didn't want to feel like she was wasting her life..
And then she left me..
(just so everyone knows.. I'm not an asshole or complainer normally.. and I'm not overly bitter.. I just have to vent when a ton of Shite builds up)
So here I sit with a house that needs major repair.. up to my asshole in debt.. hoping to get a loan to pay my loan and fix up the house.. the only thing going for me is the estimated value of my neighborhood and the fact that people will pay a whole lot to live down here...
so I have one roomie left.... Oh yeah, did I mention that he just got a promotion to the Chicago area for WholeFoods market..... So I have zero roomies left..
But hope is on the way.. and any of the wonderful Saphic group here will love her.. Her name is Tanya and she's absolutely adorable.. She's stocky and short and a beautiful woman whit tats and mods.. and she looks 19 but in fact is about 30.. she's Black-enese.. that's right Japanese and Black.. She used to stay with me and Jami before Jami left.. so I get part of my family back

I wish I had a few extra bucks right now.. I wanted to hit the Twangfest show here in the STL.. but I couldn't spare $18 on further review of my finances..
So I sit here and type on my little SG blog.. and cruise while looking at hotties..
ah.. nude women.. my panacea, my cure-all, my patent medicine for the aches and pains that chase me through the days..
so how the fuck are you doing? leave me a note.. I'll reply... I promise
i feel like i am homeless... yet i live in one the more affluent subs of pitts....
i did find some spaghettios though that my mom must have hidden for me when she came down in march, cept they are really spaghetti rings from the dollar store... but i am sure she realized the value of me finding this when i was really hungry (hidden way back behind things i dont eat like beans)...
i will check into tommorow or weds.... thanks
I live in an apartment, so your house is at times envied, trust me.