About 10 days ago I applied to Siast, (for those that don't know, it is Saskatchewan Insistute for Applied Science & Technology) and was scared to death when I got a response yesterday. I was kinda crushed to find out I was waited listed to be wait listed. The earliest I will be going to school for Dental Assistance is Sept 2007...if I even get to the second waiting list
That wasn't so horrible at first, until my mom mentioned it accidently in front of my dad, who preceeded to call me an idoit, "If you hadn't fucked up so much in high school, you wouldn't have to worry about being such a loser." Anyway, I told me mother I would like to do something else while I'm waiting, and she seemed game with that idea at first, but everything that I told her I thought I wanted to do wasn't good enough. Needless to say, I was cranky at work last night.
On the glass half full side, I finally got my pink hair dye and tips away!! I love the color...and there will soon be pictures to follow
And hopefully within the next couple days I will get my new tunnels to move on up to the 2 gauge way of things.
I saw the trailer for Star Wars: Episode 3: Return of the Sith on TV yesterday and well...I damn near wet myself. It looks so FREAKING amazing! **nerdy overload**
And.....guess what CD came out today? Do you know? Well I guess I can tell you...NIN: With Teeth.....hahaha I have mine hidden in the store until 4:30 this afternoon, then it shall be mine...MINE!!

That wasn't so horrible at first, until my mom mentioned it accidently in front of my dad, who preceeded to call me an idoit, "If you hadn't fucked up so much in high school, you wouldn't have to worry about being such a loser." Anyway, I told me mother I would like to do something else while I'm waiting, and she seemed game with that idea at first, but everything that I told her I thought I wanted to do wasn't good enough. Needless to say, I was cranky at work last night.
On the glass half full side, I finally got my pink hair dye and tips away!! I love the color...and there will soon be pictures to follow

I saw the trailer for Star Wars: Episode 3: Return of the Sith on TV yesterday and well...I damn near wet myself. It looks so FREAKING amazing! **nerdy overload**
And.....guess what CD came out today? Do you know? Well I guess I can tell you...NIN: With Teeth.....hahaha I have mine hidden in the store until 4:30 this afternoon, then it shall be mine...MINE!!
i'm excited to see these pink-tipped hair pictures you have promised...
Parents are so much easier to get along with when you live half an hour away from them.
Also, OH MY GOD I LOVE THAT CD. My friend went to Denver to see them. I cried. But not really.