I seem to be on a hiatus from life at the moment...and I like it.
I've decided not to consume any alcohol until the beginning of June. Simply for health reasons. I'm starting to realize how wine has essentially replaced all fluids in my daily existence, and that is slightly incongruent to vibrant health.
As for the beginning of June...someone is getting a visit from...
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I must say though, Shaun of the Dead is a pretty good Zombie movie, but thats because it takes the piss of the Zombie genre. Oh, and the cameo of B.M.(not putting his name because that would be a spoiler!) in Zombieland was pretty awesome, so Zombieland gets the thumbs up... but again, it really takes the piss more than anything.
The odds of a good zombie movie must be something like 2:1000 of it being watchable. Pretty shit odds. Vampire movies are even lower than that I think. But cinema will tell us that vampires usually have good looks... zombies don't really have much going in the looks department.
I think this guy at work might be a zombie, but I am not sure