well dear friends, it has been some time since last we spoke. many wondrous and pungently bizarre foods have been prepared in my kitchen, many curiously awful movies rented and watched, many grand feats accomplished, and some little feats too... my DAILY JOURNAL OF AWESOME THINGS has slipped a bit in the face of all this excitement, so today i will include perhaps a few more than three things which brightened my, at times, dark, dark world:
first and foremost, for the animal lovers - i feel that it is impotant to remind ourselves at the moment that there is more to wildlife than horrific and inexplicable chimp attacks:
my favorite part: "He told police he never had sex with animals while maintaining a relationship with his a girlfriend or his wife, the complaint said."
moving on,
...this was a couple of days ago already, but does anybody else get the feeling that the human race is collectively ready to move forward into a slightly more enlightened future, and that perhaps only ONE thing is really holding us all back at this point and everybody knows it but US here in the seat of empire...? i'm getting a warm, sort of "pleasantly outnumbered by rational peoples" feeling right now, just beyond the perimeter of fearful christian hatemongers who seem to be running things at the moment... hope, perhaps? i cling to it tenaciously, damnit - fuck all.
more good shit:
-i got into grad school! no - really!!!
-i discovered the miraculous scrubbing properties of pumice.
-i saw the real life Spinal Tap, a magically nausiating filmic experience which i highly recommend to anyone who is having trouble letting go of ever having liked Metallica: Some Kind of Monster - perhaps the worst documentary ever made. ---unless of course the film-makers hate Metallica as much as I now do, in which case it represents a brilliantly subversive coup.
-the lovely and talented artchick hipped me to these crazy flourescent lights that actually oxidize odors! i now have two of them, and my apartment smells less like bacon with each passing moment.
-i found out that me and suzy_kabloozy went to the same fucking junior high school!!! trip out, right? she is a rocking, hot and brainy momma - go give her kisses.
-Channel Zero by brian wood is my new favorite comic book, and Jennie 2.5 my new hero.
-i fixed: my smoke alarm, my toilet, my car, my father's car, lunch, my cat (just kidding - i don't have a cat)
-i made chile rellenos with organic Anaheims and two different kinds of goat cheese... i'm realizing that if i had a little money i could be a GREAT yuppie.
lastly, and most importantly, i have fallen hopelessly in love with each of you
ps. i continue to be endlessly confounded by this whole "favorite girls" thing, but in the name of trudging ever forward, not backward; upward, not forward - and twirling, always twirling - i bring you these lovely E's xoxoxoxo
first and foremost, for the animal lovers - i feel that it is impotant to remind ourselves at the moment that there is more to wildlife than horrific and inexplicable chimp attacks:
my favorite part: "He told police he never had sex with animals while maintaining a relationship with his a girlfriend or his wife, the complaint said."
moving on,
...this was a couple of days ago already, but does anybody else get the feeling that the human race is collectively ready to move forward into a slightly more enlightened future, and that perhaps only ONE thing is really holding us all back at this point and everybody knows it but US here in the seat of empire...? i'm getting a warm, sort of "pleasantly outnumbered by rational peoples" feeling right now, just beyond the perimeter of fearful christian hatemongers who seem to be running things at the moment... hope, perhaps? i cling to it tenaciously, damnit - fuck all.
more good shit:
-i got into grad school! no - really!!!

-i discovered the miraculous scrubbing properties of pumice.
-i saw the real life Spinal Tap, a magically nausiating filmic experience which i highly recommend to anyone who is having trouble letting go of ever having liked Metallica: Some Kind of Monster - perhaps the worst documentary ever made. ---unless of course the film-makers hate Metallica as much as I now do, in which case it represents a brilliantly subversive coup.
-the lovely and talented artchick hipped me to these crazy flourescent lights that actually oxidize odors! i now have two of them, and my apartment smells less like bacon with each passing moment.
-i found out that me and suzy_kabloozy went to the same fucking junior high school!!! trip out, right? she is a rocking, hot and brainy momma - go give her kisses.
-Channel Zero by brian wood is my new favorite comic book, and Jennie 2.5 my new hero.
-i fixed: my smoke alarm, my toilet, my car, my father's car, lunch, my cat (just kidding - i don't have a cat)
-i made chile rellenos with organic Anaheims and two different kinds of goat cheese... i'm realizing that if i had a little money i could be a GREAT yuppie.
lastly, and most importantly, i have fallen hopelessly in love with each of you

ps. i continue to be endlessly confounded by this whole "favorite girls" thing, but in the name of trudging ever forward, not backward; upward, not forward - and twirling, always twirling - i bring you these lovely E's xoxoxoxo
or two and a third of those bottles people seem to carry a lot.
i have one, but it is the hip "prospirit" brand. the key to keeping the bottle from getting stinky: wash it every night; don't let any water rest in bottle overnight.
oooooooooo you're a Taurus too!