good friends, you have indulged and endured my sullenness long enough. a study has just been published (i'll footnote it later...) that shows the power of positive affirmation in no uncertain terms. it followed three groups, one which was given the task of writing down the three things which royally pissed them off each day, one which wrote down three things each day that had inspired them or brought them joy, and one control group. at the end of the trial period the second group was measurably happier, more fulfilled, and healthier (higher immune response, etc.) far out, and yet - kinda obvious, right? so, i think will use this space as my journal of radness from now on, three a day, no matter what.
also, i urge everybody to check out THIS good shit in these dark and troubled times:
i'm thinking of starting a group out here...
three things which kicked ass yesterday were:
1. had a good talk with a really great old friend
2. played scrabble with a really great new friend!
3. discovered that if i close my bathroom door while cooking my towels won't smell like garlic
love to you all
also, i urge everybody to check out THIS good shit in these dark and troubled times:
i'm thinking of starting a group out here...
three things which kicked ass yesterday were:
1. had a good talk with a really great old friend
2. played scrabble with a really great new friend!
3. discovered that if i close my bathroom door while cooking my towels won't smell like garlic
love to you all

how are you, how's your day? i'm going to bed now it's already 2 a.m.
BabyGiantSquid said:
"every cloud has a silver lining - make lemonade!"
LOL ... I love glib and insensitive sunshine ... and blown up my ass? Oh, you're so kinky!
It always gets better. Thanks, baby!