Another great weekend. The show on Friday was awesome. Eric Johnson opened, and sang a few songs solo, a few with members of Califone, and a few with James Mercer. The perks of having so many musicians living in your town, I guess. James did a good stand-in for the female vocals on the Fruit Bats' songs. Eric sang three of my favorites, Canyon Girl, Earthquake of '73, and ended with When U Luv Somebody, with James doing the aforementioned girl parts.
Califone hit the stage, and they sounded incredible. The Mission Theatre had to be sold out, since it was all seating for the show. I don't know the names of enough Califone songs to tell you what they sang, but it was a mix of new stuff off of Roots and Crowns and older stuff. Fantastic.
Now, I have to look into getting tickets for the Raveonettes on June 4. I hope it isn't already sold out.
Califone hit the stage, and they sounded incredible. The Mission Theatre had to be sold out, since it was all seating for the show. I don't know the names of enough Califone songs to tell you what they sang, but it was a mix of new stuff off of Roots and Crowns and older stuff. Fantastic.
Now, I have to look into getting tickets for the Raveonettes on June 4. I hope it isn't already sold out.
I've decided I'm going as Sylar for Halloween. I'm going to hide glowsticks in my hands and say "Boom" a lot.
Well, I wouldn't have said clever, but since both you and E did, I'll go with Yes.