You know what I've learned in the past month and a half whilst gone from home?
1. If you like a guy enough, all the others will look like a blur.
2. Me and Jager will never get along..
3. I might drink too much and drive drunk.. too much.
4. I miss my family more than words can imagine, and I never thought I'd say that.
5. My friends back home have their own lives, it doesn't matter if I'm there or not, they will move on.
6. If you know a relationship stresses you out, don't take the time and effort to try and make it work.
7. I need to be a little more professional at work, and not be influenced by the wrong co-workers.
8. I'm a very organized person, and, in return, never really lose anything.
9. I need to budget myself on money, i.e. shopping all the damn time because I have the money at the time.
10. Never communicate with an ex for too long, your old feelings will always come back, and it'll never be the same.. no matter what.
11. If you like a guy, it doesn't matter what race he is, as long as you can understand his accent (lol)
12. I need to accept my body for what it is, and work to better it, not criticize it..
13. I am young, beautiful, and I am working towards a better future, I just need to take the first step towards it.
I thought it would be nice to look back on this in a couple months or even years and see what new improvements I have made. Living in this tiny room has really made me open my eyes and appreciate the small things, like a warm shower, family to talk to, and my HOME. I have about a week and a half left, and I love it, but I can't wait to be home and back to my life with this new understanding of myself. Thanks for reading..
1. If you like a guy enough, all the others will look like a blur.
2. Me and Jager will never get along..
3. I might drink too much and drive drunk.. too much.
4. I miss my family more than words can imagine, and I never thought I'd say that.
5. My friends back home have their own lives, it doesn't matter if I'm there or not, they will move on.
6. If you know a relationship stresses you out, don't take the time and effort to try and make it work.
7. I need to be a little more professional at work, and not be influenced by the wrong co-workers.
8. I'm a very organized person, and, in return, never really lose anything.
9. I need to budget myself on money, i.e. shopping all the damn time because I have the money at the time.
10. Never communicate with an ex for too long, your old feelings will always come back, and it'll never be the same.. no matter what.
11. If you like a guy, it doesn't matter what race he is, as long as you can understand his accent (lol)
12. I need to accept my body for what it is, and work to better it, not criticize it..
13. I am young, beautiful, and I am working towards a better future, I just need to take the first step towards it.
I thought it would be nice to look back on this in a couple months or even years and see what new improvements I have made. Living in this tiny room has really made me open my eyes and appreciate the small things, like a warm shower, family to talk to, and my HOME. I have about a week and a half left, and I love it, but I can't wait to be home and back to my life with this new understanding of myself. Thanks for reading..

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