So, update! We got called off to go to PA for the hurricane relief, so thankfully, I got to come back to Camp Atterbury to work at my cake job. Bad news, I'm STILL sick with this nasty, flemy, coughing fit type thing that just won't lift. Good news, I don't feel like crap and got to sleep all day (docs orders). But with more good new comes bad news, I found my front passenger tire almost completely flat when I came outside for a cigarette this evening. To my dismay, all the places were closed and I was scared as shit to drive on it. I'm not strong enough to break the bolts loose to put on my spare so I called up a friend who said it would be fine to drive to the g station to fill it up. When I got there, I found that not 1, but 2 of my tires were low. YAY! So, I've been looking online for tires, which.. here comes the good luck, I found a set of tires, installation, alignment, and all that jazz included for $322 buckaroos, only for for bad luck to kick in.. I can only schedule an appointment for Sept. 4th. I need to drive everywhere I go! AND I have to drive 3 hours back home on Tuesday night for my 2 days off.
Other than that, I guess I'm doing a-ok.
I need everyone to cross their fingers for me so that I can get in tomorrow and get my brand spankin new tires on and get on with my life..

Other than that, I guess I'm doing a-ok.
I need everyone to cross their fingers for me so that I can get in tomorrow and get my brand spankin new tires on and get on with my life..