I feel very accomplished today. Just to share my accomplishments, I bought 2 new bras, sunglasses, sandals, a dress, a Hello Kitty shirt, and an awesome smelling candle today.
Also, I did over 5 hours of homework, and got all caught up in all of my classes.
I don't know why I have the urge to share this with everyone here, but it's nice to get everything accomplished you have on your agenda for the day. I love having a schedule for the day and actually gettting through everything. If you can't tell, I'm a very organized and structured person. It's kind of a vice and a virtue. If I wake up late, it throws off my whole day.. But I rarely do.
Anyways, off to read more of the awesome Ellen Hopkins series (Burned) and head to bed. I have an awesome day ahead of me tomorrow.
For now, sleep well SG.
Also, I did over 5 hours of homework, and got all caught up in all of my classes.
I don't know why I have the urge to share this with everyone here, but it's nice to get everything accomplished you have on your agenda for the day. I love having a schedule for the day and actually gettting through everything. If you can't tell, I'm a very organized and structured person. It's kind of a vice and a virtue. If I wake up late, it throws off my whole day.. But I rarely do.

Anyways, off to read more of the awesome Ellen Hopkins series (Burned) and head to bed. I have an awesome day ahead of me tomorrow.
For now, sleep well SG.

That is a lot of homework

Yes it is, but very worth it.