sheesh... i haven't had an entry in a while. been amazingly busy with work and what not. the holidays where... well they were good. i spent them in boston with my friend Sol. she is one of the coolest and nicest person i have ever known. we just kinda bumed around for the weekend.

my friend nick dragged me to a family party in fairfax...
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But cleanliness can keep you from being sick.

"All employees must wash their hands with soap & water before returning to work!"
that's pretty cool. you should have got it bigger to cover your whole forearm. then it'd be sick ass shit, saying "FUCK YEAH I GOT A TRIBAL STRAIGHT EDGE X!"
Oh, something I do in my main journal over at Slashdot.org... is when I finish recording a song... i'll post an announcement in my journal. I think I'll start that here as well.

Over at slashdot i have something like a 170+ fans who watch my journals... so i figured i can see if can get a few more (ha ha ha ha... oh my...
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this bad. this is very very bad. i can hardly see straight let alone type right now. i don't even know why i am. this is so fucked.

my friend in boston was sexually assaulted last night. she just told me about it this evening. i think i have feelings for her, romantically... and well... this is just so painful. its not fair she has...
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Be there for her ... as a friend ... she will need your support.
I'm currently completely in love with Armor For Sleep. I wish this band was a girl... I'd ask her out. But then... being such a beautiful girl... she just laugh at me and say "not a chance... I can't be had."

Wow... that got weird... hehe.

Anyway... there's this song they do called "Slip Like Space." Why is it that there are some songs that...
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A few random things.

1. i'm tried. i'm incredibly tired. too much travel, not enough sleep... too much work not enough down time.

2. I really really really DO NOT want to go back down to Atlanta next week for my sister's wedding. arrrgh

3. Getting my next bit of ink work done next week (i think, if i have time). another straight edge tatt....
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busy right now... watching star wars on a 62" screen... in heaven

didn't go to florida, so i'm sucking here in atlanta... oh well. head back to baltimore sunday morning.

must get back to movie!

its time for an update. i haven't been home much. in fact... i haven't been home hardly at all! I'm flying to atlanta tomorrow where i'm meeting up with my pop, then we are going to drive down to florida for thanksgiving... some time in the sun.

its funny... before my divorce i was such a home-body. now? i can't wait to get the fuck...
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Being divorced sucks .... then the part of being alone is skull ... by all means go and have fun in the sun.
yeah it does suck. we were never technically married... but we lived together for 7 years, bought a house, did the whole thing... just didn't believe in the whole institution of marriage... but that doesn't make this shit any easier. Its barely been 3 months since she left. We didn't leave on bitter terms... we are still friends for the most part, we get along.

I started weekly therapy because of all this shit, it opened up the flood gates to a whole bunch of shit that has happened to me... that i was never dealing with.

ugh... yeah so now i'm just trying to rejoin the world.

Ugh... i have about 20 more pages to fill for minusone (my zine) and i have just been nursing along this piece on straight edge. I don't know why this piece is so hard to write. I usually can go on and on in real life about it... but I'm trying to be elequent here!

See, here's the deal... I'm trying to put into words...
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Finally at long last... the election silly season is over.

Today is shitty... weather wise. All week its been warm and sunny, warm as in upper 60's low 70's... but today it can't even get into the 50's and it is just pissing down rain.

I'm at home today... I was at the last day of the conference I had to go to... but I...
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okay so i'm an idiot. i talked to my friend rebecca till 3:30 a.m. this morning, and i had to be up by 6:30 a.m. because of a conference that was starting... yeah a conference starting on a fucking sunday morning... aint that some shit?

so i managed to get my 3 hours of sleep and got my sorry ass down to baltimore (in record...
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send me your zine!!!