I was feeling pretty down today after my gf told me about her domestic disturbance with her mother... The hardest part about long distance relationships is that if the one you love is in trouble sometimes the only thing you can do is sit on your ass, try to calm them down, and hope for the best. Sometimes it's not enough. And when you know it's not enough, but understand that there is nothing else you can do, you just have to bear it. And that, my friends, can be really hard to do...
She is a magnet for drama, and most of it isn't really caused by her at all. It sucks how I can't be next to her...
There was a time that things got really rough... The best image for how I felt that comes to mind is her and I being divided by a glass wall, and while I see her silent image crying in pain all I can do is beat at the glass, scream, and cry with her... It's a form of despair I don't wish on anyone.
And it's funny because whenever I get depressed like that there is one song that ALWAYS comes to mind.
R.I.P. Lane Staley... You are still very much missed
And the weekend is finally here... About fucking time
BTW, be careful people! There is something going around. Two of my friends recently caught a flu, and I noticed that there are a significant number of people on this site who caught a cold or something else.
She is a magnet for drama, and most of it isn't really caused by her at all. It sucks how I can't be next to her...
There was a time that things got really rough... The best image for how I felt that comes to mind is her and I being divided by a glass wall, and while I see her silent image crying in pain all I can do is beat at the glass, scream, and cry with her... It's a form of despair I don't wish on anyone.

And it's funny because whenever I get depressed like that there is one song that ALWAYS comes to mind.
R.I.P. Lane Staley... You are still very much missed
And the weekend is finally here... About fucking time
BTW, be careful people! There is something going around. Two of my friends recently caught a flu, and I noticed that there are a significant number of people on this site who caught a cold or something else.
so now what do we do!
It really sucks, i try to fall asleep so hard it seems the more i try the less it works