This weeks #sghomework by @lyxzen @rambo and @missy is "What would you like to accomplish in the next year?"
Of course there are a number of things that I'd like to accomplish in the next year, from sleeping in, paying debt down, to just remembering where I put my damn keys all the time. But it dawned on me today as I ran into a familiar face I hadn't seen in over 10 years, downtown. Instead of thinking nothing of it and going about my day, because, well, it's been 10 years. He's obviously made no effort to contact me, right? I decided instead of just saying "hi" and being done with it. I asked if he was busy and we went to lunch. We caught up, we interacted. It was as if it was just yesterday the last time we talked. I realized I needed that more than I led on. Not with him, but in general.
This year, I want more human interaction. Sure, I'm friends with him on Facebook. Sure, I "like" his stuff all the time. No. That's not enough. We've become so numb to human interaction, we can hardly even stand to be on the phone with someone. Let alone be face to face. We become so use to just scrolling by and thinking that's enough. And I'm guilty of it myself. Lurking around and liking this and that and never saying a word. I'm somewhat of a social introvert. I love people, but I have a hard time initiating. It can be awkward to jump into a conversation you're not exactly a part of. Or you want to get to know someone better but you don't want to be a weirdo. It's something I have a hard time with on here as well. I want to comment on so many things but my humor sometimes doesn't translate well through text. I want to tell so many ladies I think they're amazing and beautiful, or strike up a conversation with an awesome member but it's difficult. SO! I want to push myself to interact more in general.
I enjoy long phone calls, I enjoy walking around randomly and talking about how life has been and seeing the emotions on their face as they tell their stories. I miss that.
With that being said, as always I'm aiming for traveling to more places. I'm hoping this year I'll be able to say I've been to the east coast. I'd love to walk some of the Appalachian trail. Or just explore New York City just to say I've been. I have family in Florida and thought about maybe laying on a beach that doesn't require rain gear and multiple layers. I'm sure I'd blind people and be a beacon on the beach with my pasty porcelain pride(Pacific Northwest represent! lol). I'm doing baby steps with the international travel and would love to wonder into Canada. Anyone have any suggestions as to where I should travel? I love to hear about places off the beaten path and unique experiences.
And finally, this next year I hope to have my car running and ready to start racing. As my last blog explained, my projects have slowed to a crawl but things are coming along. We have a 1970 Volvo 142S that is about ready to assemble the motor! Excited to see her roar back to life for the first time in many many years. But that update I'll leave for another blog. After that beauty has cleared the garage it will be a green light for stripping and prepping the first Volvo we ever bought to finally get the glory I've always known she deserves. She will go from a $300 back lot purchase, to a full blown proud race car. And yes, I promise grease covered, hard working progress photos to come.