It looks like Monday, It feels like Monday, So, it must be... Killed with FIRE!!!!
So I spent my entire morning between the DMV and the court house trying to sort out some legal crap. Nothing says Monday like courthouses and DMV. I will say this, I've learned I would much rather deal with pissy than cheery early in the morning. Cheery is far more irritating than pissy when you're not allowed to bring your coffee in with you. Doesn't help when Phil Collins is accidentally set in motion in your head thanks to your awesome friend.
So after the 4 hour ordeal that is my Monday morning, I was able to take a time out and enjoy the nice weather and get the new garden set up. I got to meet yet another little frog after sifting through the winter plants to see what survived and transferring them to the new dirt.
So that was my morning. I'm going to sit back, have some homemade udon soup and then enjoy a peach Hefeweizen.
I also redid the purple in my hair, woot! But I suck at selfie's
So I ended up with this photo, enjoy!