The popular myth in the waar on drugs is pot leads to other, stronger drugs.
That's a fucking lie.
TV is the gateway drug.
How many of you have sat there watching a movie, or worse, daytime tv and said to yourself, " This would be so much better stoned."
I bet Oprah made more sense, you were willing to believe that [character X] actually did survive that avalanche on [Soap Opera]. You probably thought your whites looked whiter.
Heroin makes tv really smart. Return to the womb, watch Sesame Street naked. Fantasize about Mr Snufalupagus. He wants you too.
That's a fucking lie.
TV is the gateway drug.
How many of you have sat there watching a movie, or worse, daytime tv and said to yourself, " This would be so much better stoned."
I bet Oprah made more sense, you were willing to believe that [character X] actually did survive that avalanche on [Soap Opera]. You probably thought your whites looked whiter.
Heroin makes tv really smart. Return to the womb, watch Sesame Street naked. Fantasize about Mr Snufalupagus. He wants you too.
Makes sense to me. I'm feelin what your sprayin.