So, yeah.
There's this guy at work I have befriended, sort of. We shared a common interest in comics so we'd hang at lunch and talk geek. Turns out we both had a similar view of the current political state, and we'd take turns just ranting on the gov't. Now, as you good people might know, the division between church and state has been, well thin. My rants sometimes leaned toward a GODDAMN FUCKING CHRISTIANS!, sort of thing which, didn't get much response so I kept going. Turns out, this cat considered joining the seminary and is all up ons the Jeezus. After discovering this bit of info, I backed off the violent rhetoric and tried to avoid spinning toward that direction. I'm not a dick (Not much of one at least), so I didn't want to step on anyone's beliefs, with the notion that the feeling went both ways.
Wednesday, he tried to witness to me. At least it felt like it. He started talking about this guy he saw on TBN, talking a re-hash of Occum's Razor. If you're not familiar, the gist is belief in Jesus has better odds after death.
Now first, Fuck that shit. I almost kicked him in the balls just for trying
Second, better than this guy has tried to tell me the "Good News" and I have shut it down. A parachute salesman is not gonna convince me I need his parachute if the plane is going down. I'll grab the first one I see thanks.
I guess I should have expected it sooner or later because that's in the progamming of these people. He tried to explain how Dungeons and Dragons is a tool of Satan, or how Coca-Cola puts blood in its products as part of a satanic pact. This guy works on computers. I thought there was a certain level of analytical thought required to play...
I guess not. Do some fuckin' research before you open your mouth.
There's this guy at work I have befriended, sort of. We shared a common interest in comics so we'd hang at lunch and talk geek. Turns out we both had a similar view of the current political state, and we'd take turns just ranting on the gov't. Now, as you good people might know, the division between church and state has been, well thin. My rants sometimes leaned toward a GODDAMN FUCKING CHRISTIANS!, sort of thing which, didn't get much response so I kept going. Turns out, this cat considered joining the seminary and is all up ons the Jeezus. After discovering this bit of info, I backed off the violent rhetoric and tried to avoid spinning toward that direction. I'm not a dick (Not much of one at least), so I didn't want to step on anyone's beliefs, with the notion that the feeling went both ways.
Wednesday, he tried to witness to me. At least it felt like it. He started talking about this guy he saw on TBN, talking a re-hash of Occum's Razor. If you're not familiar, the gist is belief in Jesus has better odds after death.
Now first, Fuck that shit. I almost kicked him in the balls just for trying
Second, better than this guy has tried to tell me the "Good News" and I have shut it down. A parachute salesman is not gonna convince me I need his parachute if the plane is going down. I'll grab the first one I see thanks.
I guess I should have expected it sooner or later because that's in the progamming of these people. He tried to explain how Dungeons and Dragons is a tool of Satan, or how Coca-Cola puts blood in its products as part of a satanic pact. This guy works on computers. I thought there was a certain level of analytical thought required to play...
I guess not. Do some fuckin' research before you open your mouth.