ok. well. ahem.
is this on?
i have been really behind in my sg correspondence, but today i just tried to catch up with all your comments. if i missed someone, please let me know.
the hem concert was great. audience of about 180, at the troubador. we talked to them after. when i told sally ellyson, the lead singer, that many of their songs seemed inspired by recovery, she just beamed, gave me a big hug, and whispered in my ear: "congratulations!"
have you tried hem yet?
sandra bernhard was at her very best! her show was at the silent movie theatre, a very small and intimate place, like a large classroom. we weren't aware our seats were front row center until we arrived.
sandy is so sharp. and so sarcastic. she snaps back just like elastic. she breaks wise guys just like matchsticks. stripping down to her thong (with her back to the audience) she got all comfortable, then closed with a prince medley.
last week we stopped by the boston legal panel at the museum of television and radio's william s. paley televison festival (http://www.mtr.org/festivals/paleyfest2005/).
an episode that has yet to be aired was screened (tonight's ep, death be not proud). it was intriguing to listen to a snappy discussion about a program we love to watch. almost all of the cast attended: james spader, ren auberjonois, mark valley, betty white and creator david kelley. even william shatner showed up, but candice bergen was not there. someone compared spader's character to his e. edward grey in secretary, which drew a huge laugh.
if you want to watch a real reality series, check out a&e's intervention. it airs twice on sunday nights (check your local listings). the first episode featured an interventionist by the name of candy finnigan who--surprise!--was the person molly hired for my intervention. that made it excruciating to watch!
but here's the interesting part: the producers asked me to do some research for the show. so if you watch closely during the super-fast credits, you might catch my name!
so we're off to vegas for mol's birthday and elvis costello at the hard rock. the night we come back, i'll see him again with an sg friend (she's in the 14th row of my friends list) at the wiltern.
well, now we're gonna go watch the detectives...
...see you in a week or so, my friends.
pump it up!
is this on?
i have been really behind in my sg correspondence, but today i just tried to catch up with all your comments. if i missed someone, please let me know.
the hem concert was great. audience of about 180, at the troubador. we talked to them after. when i told sally ellyson, the lead singer, that many of their songs seemed inspired by recovery, she just beamed, gave me a big hug, and whispered in my ear: "congratulations!"
have you tried hem yet?
sandra bernhard was at her very best! her show was at the silent movie theatre, a very small and intimate place, like a large classroom. we weren't aware our seats were front row center until we arrived.
sandy is so sharp. and so sarcastic. she snaps back just like elastic. she breaks wise guys just like matchsticks. stripping down to her thong (with her back to the audience) she got all comfortable, then closed with a prince medley.
last week we stopped by the boston legal panel at the museum of television and radio's william s. paley televison festival (http://www.mtr.org/festivals/paleyfest2005/).
an episode that has yet to be aired was screened (tonight's ep, death be not proud). it was intriguing to listen to a snappy discussion about a program we love to watch. almost all of the cast attended: james spader, ren auberjonois, mark valley, betty white and creator david kelley. even william shatner showed up, but candice bergen was not there. someone compared spader's character to his e. edward grey in secretary, which drew a huge laugh.
if you want to watch a real reality series, check out a&e's intervention. it airs twice on sunday nights (check your local listings). the first episode featured an interventionist by the name of candy finnigan who--surprise!--was the person molly hired for my intervention. that made it excruciating to watch!
but here's the interesting part: the producers asked me to do some research for the show. so if you watch closely during the super-fast credits, you might catch my name!
so we're off to vegas for mol's birthday and elvis costello at the hard rock. the night we come back, i'll see him again with an sg friend (she's in the 14th row of my friends list) at the wiltern.
well, now we're gonna go watch the detectives...
...see you in a week or so, my friends.
pump it up!
Hope all is well and thanks so much for the song list. I knew all of them on the first disc, of course ... didn't know anything on the orange disc