Soooo first of all I freaking love you people. I mean really you guys made me feel a lot better, obviously the problem isn't resolved, but wow.
This site and being an SG just keeps getting better!!
Tonight I work at the I work at two bars. During the week at a small neighborhood, cheers kind of bar and on the weekend at a ginormous night club. They are owned by the same people and a lot of the patrons attend both, but you have to be an a really up, ppl loving mood to work the club scene, where at the bar I can chill and relax with a delicious beverage or ten. Plus closing Club Gossip means I don't get home until four in the morning and I have another glorious 12 hr workday tomorrow starting at 8:00 AM. Sucks donkey balls.
Good news I paid my car off today!!!!!!!!!!!! The SAAB is now officially mine!!!!!! Its a good feeling since I work my ass off to know its paying off.
Well SG world I need to start getting all girly looking for work, the dew rag doesn't quite cut it....I took this earlier to send to a friend that needed it, now I'm giving the salute to the four hours of sleep I'm going to get tonight!!

Tonight I work at the I work at two bars. During the week at a small neighborhood, cheers kind of bar and on the weekend at a ginormous night club. They are owned by the same people and a lot of the patrons attend both, but you have to be an a really up, ppl loving mood to work the club scene, where at the bar I can chill and relax with a delicious beverage or ten. Plus closing Club Gossip means I don't get home until four in the morning and I have another glorious 12 hr workday tomorrow starting at 8:00 AM. Sucks donkey balls.
Good news I paid my car off today!!!!!!!!!!!! The SAAB is now officially mine!!!!!! Its a good feeling since I work my ass off to know its paying off.
Well SG world I need to start getting all girly looking for work, the dew rag doesn't quite cut it....I took this earlier to send to a friend that needed it, now I'm giving the salute to the four hours of sleep I'm going to get tonight!!

Have a superfantabulous day! And congrats on owning your ride!