Completely spent today, I helped my girlfriend out by running a half marathon on behalf of the riding for disabled. It is a fantastic program and it enriches life for so many people so if anyone is feeling charitable you can go to http://rda.org.au/ and check their site out smile

Finished on 1:37:46 which I suppose is an alright time smile
Wow! I'd love to run a marathon like that one
That is an awesome cause! Congrats! biggrin

Long distance relationships suck, but if you find the right person, it can be more than worth it.
He is a mix of different breeds (: his father was a "Trakehner" and his mother was half "Icelandic horse" half "Haflinger" (: a very special horse with the best qualities of every breed.
I ride him every second day so he has got enough time to relax (:

Your tattoo is amazing!!! The different kinds of birds look great (: Is it a magpie above your elbow?
Wow! You seem to know a lot about horses (:
Yes, sometimes Haflinger can be a little bit rude and very bullish biggrin i know it from my horse. But they are also lovely and friendly horses (:

When he is excited, he tolts a little bit sometimes (: but he can't tolt clearly.
But i also have got an icelandic horse (: his name is Snotri and he's 22 years old shocked but i don't ride him anymore. When he was 15 years old, he got problems with his back and so we put him on a huge paddock with other old horses (:

Ah ok (: it looks fantastic!

I am glad you liked my pictures and i like yours also
hey biggrin i was watching the clash of the titans but i got bored and started to watch kill bill 2, por the fifth time this week. hahaha
Lucky but unlucky day. The day started off with that Collingwood got absolutely thumped in the australian football league by nemesis Hawthorn which suucked. Then San Jos lost against stars... again. The second one could be expected, man they have sucked some balls during their away games this season! Hopefully they manage to turn that around before the play offs and hopefully not yet another...
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Boring but nice weekend! Tennis, gym, some sexy times and good movies. Can a guy ask for more?

BOOBS!! (image) (image) (Image) (image) (video)

Sad fact that no matter what I write in this blog. No matter how profound, insightful or hilarious it will never be as enticing as above.

Well boobs are nice, but I'm sure there are better things lol :p
Have had a good week so far actually. Besides playing a lot of tennis and frequently visiting the gym I have attempted to catch up and discovered new tv-.series to watch.

Started watching the Following, which was alright to start off with but is starting to aggravate me the further into the story it goes. Not that the acting is poor from all fronts, in...
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Hahaha, I have not felt the need to see either of these shows. Im thinking of starting Shameless because I heard its insane. And Californication. Have you watched either to give me your reviews? Lol. I highly recommend Dexter if you have not. And of course Walking Dead.
Heard of this really great Norwegian band the other day and thought I would share it!

"Is that ok?" Is probably my pet peeve question coming from barbers... Went in to get a light trim and ended up with nearly all my hair lopped off alongside with a terrible mid forhead fringe... As I look into the mirror the seemingly mandatory question arises "is that ok?" He questions me. What can you say? No fucking glue it back on! Is what...
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